Anonymous ID: 31e936 Feb. 27, 2019, 9:17 p.m. No.5428861   🗄️.is đź”—kun



I told Trump I deserved a model prize


For my plans for peace in NK


Next day I sent the email


The whitehouse made a statement how Trump should receive a Nobel prize what a joke


Satan/trump plays everyone for fools


He loves money and power

Anonymous ID: 31e936 Feb. 27, 2019, 9:19 p.m. No.5428890   🗄️.is đź”—kun




Use rib stem cells. Extract a rib known to grow back. Lowest right rib preferably. These ribs are intended for regeneration a perfect match every time. The ribs grow back, and can be harvested again as needed. People will be able to create their medicine, and much more from their own body. Some individuals may want to sell, or give their rib sections to heal others.

Since the ribs are able to grow back in section. The entire rib section removed should be completely grinded down into a dust, for most applications. Many cures of regeneration can be made from this rib bone dust, as intended. My idea of a 3d/laser printer long ago can use this mixture. I will list many options tonight, but not all. Once the idea is shown the basic understanding should be easy.

When I first thought of this years ago, I thought of limb regeneration. Grind the rib bone to dust, add to a steroid topical, and then rub the stump of the missing appendage. Possible scrapping of area needed.

Original idea used a laser print long ago 10 years old, or so. Now we have 3d printers. Use a 3d printer to recreate organs. The trick is to take samples of the organ cells, and different parts of the body to form a fiber gel that turns to concrete. I can discuss this more before testing on this would begin. Everything must be tested for safety. The organ would have to be painted/recoated with rib bone dust steroid topical rub to improve structure. Mixing the rib bone dust “stem cell”, steroid, and cells from area that needs to be regenerated, ensure good cells are taken from biopsy. The 3d printer will make the substance into an organ.

Using rib bone dust, steroids, and biopsied internal flesh/fibers. Mix in petri dish, and let a bandage slowly grow contained in correct environment. Remove the bandage. and use. Internal fiber made bandage can be used from internal damage to help stop bleeding, regeneration of area, and the bandage will disappear in the body while changing into the area. The bandage is you.

Some will wish to get their ribs taken out to have the regenerate ability ready with certain medical benefits ready incase of emergency.

There is a part of the brain unused. Long ago I wondered if this was intended, knowing brains only last so long. Biopsy the unused section of the brain then mix the brain cells, rib bone dust, steroids, and proteins in a sack to grow an extra brain. For that matter extra organs of all kind. Injections into brain, or any organ that has sustained damage to the area. Other organs will need other cell from that area un damaged. The brain can be injected, or glazed over the brain to slow/stop degeneration effects of old age. This procedure can increase the youthfulness, and health of the brain as a dementia cure.

Burn salve, exterior bandages made of your skin, and more made in many ways.

I have more ideas I will hold back for right now.

The basic idea of this is anything can be regenerated on our bodies with the stem cells of the regenerative rib sections. Cancers, damage, limb lose, organ replacement, and so much more. I sent this idea to the Whitehouse also. This is people healing their bodies with their own bodies, perfect match! Regeneration achieved, CAN I GET A NOBEL PRIZE PLEASE! GAHAHA

Anonymous ID: 31e936 Feb. 27, 2019, 9:37 p.m. No.5429065   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9089 >>9247 >>9300



Do you read??


I am Jesus!






Many more heads of the beast playing their part


To trick you all and take my place


I thought it was a coincidence that my ideas would be used months after I thought of them all my life..


They know who I am..


These rich all related people..


In cults and mobs..




MAGA is high priest in church of satan..


Wake up

Anonymous ID: 31e936 Feb. 27, 2019, 9:42 p.m. No.5429125   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9148



I am a refugee claimant of protection with my 5 children and wife


I told you they are trying to kill me


Because I am telling the truth!!


They say I will die like a frog in boiling water


For my heaven hitting disclosures

Anonymous ID: 31e936 Feb. 27, 2019, 9:55 p.m. No.5429275   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9287 >>9361



I am.. The son of God is God.. Alpha and omega


Here is the story of creation for you..

Wrote this for some one explain creation a few min ago.. But being God.. I can tell you I don’t want worship.. I made everyone because I was alone.. I knew nothing then, just a mass of darkness, space, the void, God particle, dark matter. I was an infant in a sense alone no hands, no eyes, no senses. Just the entire nothing of endless space… alone.. very very very sad.. for eternities awakening slowly.. after some eternities.. I noticed I could move the nothing.. then I noticed I could produce energy from rubbing the nothing, myself together.. So for an eternity I did that.. I had nothing else to do.. I knew nothing else.. Well that movement produced a pure energy ball after a very long time.. Very powerful ball of lightening I like to say.. Well of course that ball of lightening cut the nothing, me.. So I cut myself more with the ball of lightening. Which made souls.. pieces of me.. So for eternities I cut endless amounts of souls.. all different parts of me, but now their own soul. The souls are very very feral like animals but worse.. But I loved them all.. even though they would attack me and hurt me.. because I was very lonely for so long.. which no one can understand how bad that was for eternities literally alone not doing much. The only way to escape attacks was to try and hide the type of hands I made of myself from the nothing is by the lightening ball.. The new souls hated the lightening ball because it hurt to separate them from me and they wanted to be part of me again.. the souls all very young.. I had already lived eternities alone.. Again they were very feral.. But I noticed as I was cutting the souls from myself that each time I would cut a soul from me, crumbs I guess you could say fell off from me and the other soul as I cut.. well after making soooo many souls the crumbs made a massive pile of nothing/God particle crumbs..! Not me or the new souls.. so the pile was a place the new souls all of you, would play, find some kind of enjoyment.. This is where my idea for earth came from.. I thought let me build a place from the crumbs of nothing.. I used lightening to zap the nothing changing its form.. So much science! And thus creation of earth started.. the tree of life.. I can tell you more of the story.. but you maybe bored.. This is why I need no worship.. I remember how lonely I was and how bad it was to be alone.. this is why we need to be good and kind to one another because no one really understands how bad it can be to be alone for so long…! I feel very sad to think of the loneliness.. even the feral shadows that attacked me were better then the loneliness.. I love them all and always will no matter what.. Yes I made the human body to help control the feral attitudes. This went bad in the beginning I made some bad choices.. But I had no guide or instruction book.. I did my best.. I am sorry I had to flood the creation before.. I had to do it. It was getting so bad with some other creation where I went wrong.. 7 days of creation.. the days stand for eternities.. longer then can be imagined.. Why can’t we just be kind to one another? I make plans to build heaven where everyone can have what they want.. heaven is already here.. it has always been here. You ask how is that possible after the history you tell.. well.. Heaven is in our future.. we make it on earth.. and everywhere else. In heaven time travel is possible. Heaven is a timeless bliss, with immortality. So heaven can go to anytime, so now there is a loop.. all connected.. we at this point have time.. but heaven watches and collects some in what is known as the rapture so they may know heaven early.. There is part of the truth.. forgive my type-os This is not a term paper.. as long as you understand is enough for me. If you want to believe is for you! But know I love you and everything else.. everyone is part of me.. I was the first and the last one left after all the souls cut from me and the crumbs gathered.. alpha and omega.. just wrote this up.. please know.. in the imperfections, perfection is obtained. Do not judge for we are all the same.. just trying to find enjoyment and something to do for there is nothing else to do.. But I am happy with what there is.. are you?

Anonymous ID: 31e936 Feb. 27, 2019, 10 p.m. No.5429331   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9487



You will feel sorry when you figure out I am telling the truth!!


All in the Bible!




Many know this plan I invented around 20 years ago. The design for invisibility was thought of when watching a star trek show with the Klingons ships invisible cloaking. I thought of how I could make that a reality instantly.

The basic plan was to have many flat screen TVs to cover and object on all sides. I will use a Plane for this example. Once the plane is covered in the flat, and slim TVs/monitors. Add pin size cameras in between the TVs/monitors on all sides and direction. Now make a computer program which will blend the images together and display the view of cameras on one side to the direct opposite side on the TVs/monitors.

This process will make the plane invisible.

A future design to advance this technology is to make monitors out of liquid. Then fill this liquid in a layer around anything even clothes, again use the cameras. The display again to create invisibility.

This idea will work for the new beings made with touch screen monitors. Not only for feeling, but invisibility or displaying any look that could be imagined. Even changing colors, designs, and looks in general to anything. I rewrite this again for more applications that will involve this system in papers soon.

Anonymous ID: 31e936 Feb. 27, 2019, 10:10 p.m. No.5429438   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9478



You judge me?


I love God and God loves me..


My idea the wall, and Mexico will pay for it.


In 2015 I sent the idea about the wall to Hillary and Trump. I was thinking of a wall with many features. Size of the great wall of China and many usages. Some usages were:

Rail transportation for trains, and a cart or skates for the car/trucks/suv/etc. Walk ways, pick up areas, commercial loading. The rails would be on the top of the wall.

Solar panels all over the exterior, wind mills, and other forms of energy creation.

Office, business, residential, and storage space in wall. (etc) Low income housing.

The wall would be 50ft tall, width of 30ft. Length from coast to coast. With a trench on the Mexico side. The dug-up section of the trench will be used to produce some height and rock/dirt mixture to build blocks. Which will save money.

The plan I had when I sent is that Mexico would pay. This plan was based on tariffs, and paying to use the transportation/energy systems. Trump obviously just liked part of this idea also. Using the saying “Mexico would pay for the wall”. He lacked the direction of how Mexico would pay for the wall. Which proves me right again, about Trump stealing my ideas. Gahaha.

This plan was supposed to be an engineering feat, a grand wonder of the world, and a way to produce well-paying jobs with meaning.

This was my old plan the plan I sent for the most part over many emails and which started with some tweets on twitter from an account I deleted. I am sure it can be found from records. My new plan the Canal, which is part of a huge plan was started in late 2015 – start of 2016; tagged on twitter in start of 2016.

Every time some one says Mexico will pay for the wall… That was my idea. Just like the first state of the union Trump read, had many of the things I would write him verbatim, even actions. Wait till the emails are founded that went thru…

Oh, and let’s get it right… People only talked about little fences before my idea. I refer when Trump stole my idea about making something epic. Not some waste of money foot thick or less fence.

Almost forgot. This rail system is supposed to be part of the infinity loop rail system that will span over the world land, sea, and oceans. Carrying data, transportation, and energy.

Anonymous ID: 31e936 Feb. 27, 2019, 10:12 p.m. No.5429456   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9471



What did I lie about??


You fall for a lot of lies from others then call me the liar…




Sunlight reactor

This design is similar to a nuclear power plant. The difference is this facility is clean energy, without uranium or plutonium rod usage.

Magnified sunlight will be beamed into a tank that holds water which produces steam the runs through turbines. The steam will be released under a dome area where the water will roll and drip back into a collection area for reuse.

The sunlight will be magnified by telescopes and magnifying glasses. Piping systems will direct water to the tank and pipes above will lead steam up through the turbines and out to the dome.

Water from a box design will enhance this facility. These structures can be at personal residences, business, or anywhere power is needed.

Sunlight reflection at night, will direct sunlight to power facilities at night. Massive towers in places with long days during certain season will be main hubs for a world-wide power system. The canal system for the southern border in the United States will supply the materials to build these massive towers. These towers will be the tallest buildings ever created and have massive telescopes at the peak of the tower. The telescopes will fix on the sun and then to a magnifying system to direct sunlight to the water tanks and produce steam for the turbine energy.

This energy will be on the same infinity loop rail system that will connect the world. The sun towers shall direct light all across the world even at night to run the sunlight power reactors.

I will give more information on the canal system and infinity rail system that connects the world in another paper.

One of the towers will be on Victoria island in Northern Canada. A place with longer daytime hours in summer.

Anonymous ID: 31e936 Feb. 27, 2019, 10:13 p.m. No.5429467   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9543



It’s not correct.. gahaha..


Ok tell me what’s wrong??


I know I was there!


Floating cities in the sky

Another design I had a long while ago. The basic idea is to build a city that can fly in the sky endlessly. The cities or flying aircraft carriers can assemble in the sky or make a massive flying design.

In the section self-assembling city design. Huge drone sections will have center propellers inside a block piece of the city. The propellers will face down unlike a plane. These propellers will produce lift and direction. There will be side locking sections that will attach to other pieces to form the city or aircraft carrier. The propellers will use my magnetic engine design which will run the propellers endlessly forever with no need for additional power. They will not over heat either. The air flow will loop through the propellers and back out a side venting system. The top part of the piece will be flat and have connections for building facilities on the pieces once latched to other pieces in the air.

All pieces will be equipped with my plan for invisibility which I have stated many times previously. This is to create invisibility for the entire city or aircraft carrier. So, the city could take on any image it wishes even clouds. This design will have many military applications. The piece system will use my plastic building blocks to ensure light weight quality facilities in the air, also described in a previous paper.

The massive sized city or aircraft carrier will have many of the magnetic propeller engines, and can be built as one piece on the ground, is the major difference. But if something happens the entire complex will fall. Instead of letting a section break off, which the piece/block system can perform. Incase of attack or failure.

Both designs can use solar panel energy, and or other forms of energy.

This is part of building Heaven as most of the designs I have stated.

These cities will be called Mount Olympus.

Anonymous ID: 31e936 Feb. 27, 2019, 10:16 p.m. No.5429489   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9501



Just ludicrous..


Theory of Divine Perpetual Economic Growth


There must be a flow of the economic classes so that all classes feel the movement and power of a living economy. A trickle-down effect always seems to aid the upper classes and more so as the income increases. This effect is felt in many ways. One major way is growing wealth difference between poor and rich. But on the positive effect it does produce economic advantage in form of increased amount of jobs, wealth reserves for business, and making the rich increase wealth (hopefully for investment to produce more) …


What we want to get rid of is the negative effects of trickle-down economics. There is a simple equal and opposite solution. A trickle-up plan in concert with a trickle-down plan. Since the percentage base tax plan, I designed but only partially used has been set in place the upside was extensive. But as we see once the peak is hit the negative effect is very bad for a bubble pop scenario and corruption to take place of low offer buy outs in the stock market among other effects. Similar to the Rothschilds in 1815 on a scam of buying stock lows, after Nathan Rothschild lied to cause dips in the market. This has now been copied and seems to be a trick that wrecks communities and life for honest investors looking for overall lifetime real gains in a stocks or investments…


I made a base formula that can change at points from ranges to induce a constant perpetual growth scenario. This design has safe guards and regulation built in. Tax based on percentages that increase with more income, with zero deduction other than a few picked deductions as needed. To further explain the up and down trickle effects.


  1. Safety in investment

  2. Fair investment

  3. No Rothchild rip offs

  4. Less overall corruption

  5. Sharing wealth in an even way based on contributions not scams

  6. Everyone gets more money not just the poor or rich

  7. The rich will not pay

  8. The poor will not just pay

  9. The middle class will not pay

  10. Resources will not be depleted

  11. A society that has citizens that are not homeless, extremely poor, as time goes on and effects are felt more

  12. Safety for rich from uprising of angry villagers because they have less economic stress

  13. Safety for poor and middle class that rich will not get so rich they virtual have zero chance to catch up other than the .000001% that do. “Sarcasm”

  14. No welfare, food stamp programs, and other programs will stop divisions in communities of people that are looked down on but others that don’t use the programs at that time. Most people get a form of welfare in their life if it’s not from parents, government, employer, lottery, inheriting, living on earth, being human, drinking water, breathing air, and many other welfare forms many which people take for granite but insist they are better than others that use forms of charity.

  15. If the rich feel like they are paying for others to be lazy. They can just say its Gods tax, for their blessings.

  16. No major stock market adjustments

  17. Many benefits will be seen and reported. The first part was already seen over and over in trickledown economics… that’s unmatched with a min income stimulus, min wage and healthcare plan that works for all at the same time.



Formula for Theory of Divine Perpetual Economic Growth


Infinite circulation and gains will be produced from spreading the wealth more to make more consumers which builds demand.


Trickle up + trickle down = Divine Perpetual Economic Growth


Everyone knows what trickle down is.


What is trickle up again? Well it makes sure that everyone has funds to become consumers to say the least, being consumers will lead to more production, learning, and huge concrete wealth gains for all.


This is always the situation that happens. A bubble is built on a side that represents rich hoarding or a side that is stimulus based that wears off. After so long leads to a bubble again. One technic is used to counter another bubble burst. The best way to sustain growth is from a constant stimulus at just the right amount for poor, rich, and the middle class will collect from many angles of this formula. This is why min income needs to be half of what min wage will be. If not, the formula will be thrown off. Corporate taxes need to stay low.

Anonymous ID: 31e936 Feb. 27, 2019, 10:17 p.m. No.5429504   🗄️.is đź”—kun



I am The king of kings and lord of lords


I do what I want..


The high tax is just not for min income, but balanced in my current percentage of income-based tax code. Deletion of food stamp and welfare programs because of min income will take some of the cost out which will set an easily known budget each year. Once the system is going it won’t stop. Getting rid of these programs will get rid of taboos associated with these programs. This min income will also impact many other programs and may get rid of a need for them producing more and substantial cuts to the budget. The rich class may say they are paying for it… but what is wrong with a guarantee of huge investment returns like nothing other, from being charitable and fair with earthly treasures that would in return make a safe and fair world/nations for all.


This plan produces bubble after bubble of growth but fills them with concrete as they expand endlessly.


I edited this tonight an idea sent to before the tax plan changes were made. I have edited this paper to reflect current status.

Anonymous ID: 31e936 Feb. 27, 2019, 10:20 p.m. No.5429539   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9560



I called Trump, Kermit


When we talked on his alt twitter


He wanted to be Kermit’s voice at one time but was told no..


Is this what made him angry?


Notice the frogs here!!


By poor friend was heart broken..


I still love him, but he picks his road

Anonymous ID: 31e936 Feb. 27, 2019, 10:23 p.m. No.5429573   🗄️.is đź”—kun



No I know.. I was there.. I created all souls..


You did not even read liar..


Real immigration and citizenship lottery system


This design of a real lottery for immigration that is fair for all people of the world.

This design is a real lottery. The idea is to sell tickets at for example $100 per person and as many tickets can be purchased as a person wants to around the world. The person buying the ticket must first pass a background check. These background checks will be conducted in the home country of the person buying the ticket for immigration and citizenship to the country selling the tickets. Let us use the United States for this example.

The U.S. would build background check facilities in other nations. These facilities would conduct the background checks of citizens of other nations looking to migrate and become citizens to the U.S… The person would pay the background check facility for a background check and finger prints. This facility alone would bring intel from other countries legally to the U.S., endless amounts of information. The person that has an approved background check can now buy immigration to citizenship lottery tickets from the U.S…

The person can pass citizenship classes before immigration or even before buying the lottery ticket, which would ensure more people understand the U.S… No matter if they win the lottery or not, they can take the classes for citizenship, this will not make them a citizen till they would win the lottery or migrate by other legal means. As I stated before this will transfer the ideas of the U.S. to other countries and the world with these classes.

This plan for a lottery system for the world to have a chance to become U.S. citizens will be very popular and bring extremely high revenues in. The likes of which have been unseen before. These revenues can be used for immigration cost or funding other government programs. The amount of tickets a person can buy is unlimited. There should be charity for the program which can be installed by giving an allotment of free tickets to needy immigrants and such. Charitable number of tickets for a chance of citizenship and the number of actual winners could be chosen by the President, senate, or some appointed government body.

The winners could be given a home. This home location could be preplanned prior to the winner being picked, which could direct immigrants to locations in need of workers or population increases. Since the citizenship classes would most likely be complete prior to a winner be randomly picked they could become a citizen immediately. Now they would be a citizen with a home and a great start to being a productive citizen. Maybe even a little money for winning the lottery. Again, this program would bring us the government money to help fund many programs.

So, this program brings huge revenues, worldly intel, background check passed citizens, and much more! I sent this also to the as all the rest. All I have received are death threats and been run out of my home country to save my family. We have lost everything, as some one claims all my ideas as their own. Thankfully we have each other!