Looks at kims guards hop out and scramble, kek
I wanted to go back and get the moment when they asked Cohen about what he discussed with Adam Schiff before testifing, and Cohen said something general like things, and the lady behind starting laughing.
Trying to find clip,, do you know what i'm talking about? it was funny, it was like she knew his answer was complete bullshit.
Maybe if they think Trumpp failed, they will now show the summit after ignoring it, for POTUS to turn around with incredible good news, kek
sucker them in, thinking they have a another negative story.
if that was the case, would have been better during prime time, instead of this late at night.
If i had a nickle for everytime an out of state relative, concern fagged about Q, Trump and news, i would be rich, kek
They need your help
I think Progress was made, alot of Progress.
I found Quilt news, kek
qanon news, QNN is already 3rd on search.
Saw nothing about queers.
stop trying to divide anons
also i think by not making a deal today, the fake news will once again shit all over the entire process with lot's of negativity.
To which when the deal happens at next summit they will look stupid.
If anything good had happened today, if they had signed a deal.
MSM would have played it all down and ignored it, like they have the past 2 days.
Cohen is going to testify again tom, so they would keep on that.
I think this is a further setting of the stage.
And there are reasons for it unfolding as it has.
We know they already made a deal, NK is free.
Also i think them signing a deal would have more impact if done here in the US at the WH.