watching some this. trying to catch up. wert de ferk?
wow I thought we had this in the bag. And I thought the bad actors were removed.
ugh the MSM is gonna have a fucking hayday with this.
There must be some new tech that disrupts cameras. Seen this a few times here past couple days.
was watching live coverage of kim leaving in vehicle. soon as the vehicles started moving out towards the cameras it blurs out and goes to shit. Soon as the vehicles are gone, clears right back up.
Im just coming online so not sure it was Kim. Kim or Trump.
I know Im concern faggin but, jut woke up and kinda pissed.
FUKIING media is gonna suck on this one pretty hard. GAAAAAHHHH!!!! blah went to take a napfew hours ago and wake up to this. FRUSTRAAAAATING!!!!!
yea possibly. apologies for concernfaggotry. Just soaking it all in.
Fuckin media is gonna rape on this dude. get your armor out. grrr
agreed. will be interesting and frustrating next few days.
this aint no easy ride. god dammit.
yup yup.
nice thanx
guess we shall see. next few days are gonna be rocky as fuck
hmm thats in interesting point.
and yet you got what is that like 5, 6 tabs of qresearch open?