I would have posted earlier, but I just finished laughing my ass off after reading a post of an ad with the headline saying Alex Jones (Alex fucking Jones), and his lovable gay ass sidekick, Jerome Corsi, say that Q has been compromised!!! Give me a second, while I laugh my ass off some more! I don't think those two scum buckets are even worthy of being called Pay-triots. Credibility, zilch, nada. Isn't their show, straight outta Tel Aviv?
Had a brother die of alcoholism, for one thing. One of those rare few that never had a desire to try it or drugs. He doesn't need anything; he's a force of fucking nature, on his own.
He jjas been arounnd a long time, and even POTUS gave him credit after the election for supporting him. Since then thought I think that GEOTUS is distancing himself from people like Jones, whiich is smart! Their clown act could reflect on him, if he was too close. I haven't watched AJ in years, about the time I realized he's a gatekeeper, and spreads disinformation At one point he may have been clean, but he's bought and paid for, now. Some say by Mossad, but I don't any evidence of that one way or another. To me not relevant, if someone is obviously shilling for someone on the other side, I don't go near them or their online crap.
We've been promised 60/40%.with the goverment having the larger number. It's also been explained by Q early on why some of it involves other countries, so international relations. Also, common sense that certain matters involving intelligence gathering on enemies or those suspected of plotting against the US or its citizens WW, has to be kept confidential. Military strategies and weapons capabilities as well. When it comes to the truth about the politiicans that chose the dark side, and others out there committing crimes and evil acts that are brought to justice, I say full disclosure. Any alien presense, free energy, and cures for diseases all withheld so there is larger profits for the medical cabal and drug manufacturers. That all needs to come out, and change.