Those of you who are 'The Real Deal'; not larpers, not shills, not shit-posters or disruptors or fame-fags:
You stand out like 'NEO'.
The 'Wizards' & 'Warlocks' of the good guys and "The Controllers" of this 'Ancient Cabal' - the bad guys we're fighting - "Noticed" you. You & this board are anomalous in "Their World".
"Their World" operates on a different "Plane" of consciousness. Normies don't see "IT" so they blend-in.
You don't blend-in in that way.
You were like Neo. You always knew something was a little bit off but you couldn't quite put your finger on it.
Soon you wondered why others couldn't see "IT".
You are like "Pattern Recognition Software". You couldn't help but see "IT". The inconsistencies, the patterns, the anomalies = So you started to put together your own "MAP" in your head.
And so:
You came here as an 'OUTLET'.
You came here to exercise your mental muscle that felt atrophied out there in "The Meat-Space" of the world.
You came here to commiserate with like minded "NEOs" who couldn't shake that nagging uneasiness; that knowing things just aren't quite right brings.
Yes, you built this space. And = "It Got Noticed".
You became: "The Fly In The Ointment" "The Burr Under The Saddle" "The Gnat Buzzing Around The Ears of "THEM" = The Mosquito Bite On The Matrix of 'The Controllers'.
At the same time = The GOOD GUYS were waiting for you (like Morpheus was waiting for Neo); looking, scanning, collating data. Waiting for the right time & place.
The "Controllers" were getting close to 'The Point of No return' and "You" - The Anons - had reached "Critical Mass".
What we've experienced is a "Convergence" of an Inevitable "Clash of The Titans", if you will.
We were meant for such a time as this. So; Chins Up, Chests Out, backs straight, Lean Back & Set'em-In and SOLDIER-ON ANON.
(Shit-Posters & Shills = Disregard & Get Bent - LOSER)