Weaponized Language - Operation Classified
a talk by Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer
John B. Wells channel, uploaded today
https://youtu.be/oftcqkfMqR4, 1:38:00
Shaffer gives an overview of how politicians (primarily Dems) weaponize language to manipulate others. An application of psycholinguistics aka neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Although the focus is on the Dems, LtCol Shaffer also mentions that Repubs can do the same: "What we're seen is a merger of both political parties into….the Blob" (like the old film).
fairness: goal is to become the arbiter of what is fair and who gets the benefits of this "fairness"
protected class: this is not about protecting people, it's about protecting power–the power of those doing the "protecting" (the Dems).
common sense gun control: sounds good, except that criminals don't follow the law. So it's not really aimed at them, but at the public (disarming the public). [Discussion of Thousand Oaks shooting incident, where the issue is not the gun but the user.] Shaffer: "We should have nationwide concealed carry." Enables people to carry guns that are hidden unless needed.
more generous world: US must be "more generous" to others. Orwellian and authoritarian; [= redistribution of wealth.]
foreign policy norms: meaningless term; "there are no norms" when it comes to foreign policy. The idea is that it can a problematic to violate these "norms." Points out that HRC didn't seem to worry about this when talking about the situation in Libya prior to our intervention there. When Egypt was destabilized
Someone else offers a suggestion for other weaponized terms: collusion (which isn't a legal term) and sexual assault' (as used by Christine Blasey Ford.
global warming: Shaffer has a degree in environmental studies. Says the climate change movement is about politics, not science.
"They have brought the weaponization of language to a science. And you are the lab rats…You are the ultimate target."