iT IS FIXED; WE are THE Media nao!
If (((their))) cancer cure involves baby parts or are in any way is connected to PP & its macabre baby parts side industry do you think people that are dealing with cancer would accept the treatment as 'normal'?
I was recntly diagnosed & I wouldn't want a cure which came from the killing of babies or depended on that practice to continue, in order to provide said cure, would
This one is officially the fucking winner in the 8ch R LARP ridicule memes competition, well done.
For the record, I declared RLARP DOA after the first week of it. Same shill effort level as FLATTARDERY, zero IRL influence, just board annoyances, easily fixed by a judicious approach to filtering.
It is now a favorite slide of the resident JIDF shillkikes in here.
pic related