ID: e94498 Feb. 28, 2019, 10:34 a.m. No.5435804   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Plankett is being treated like a rockstar because she rolled her eyes at Jordan. Is she the one whose big brown boobies I was looking at this morning? With husband who was naked with one of their kids? I'm not on twitter but she definitely needs some push back. Everyone is praising her. She is probably very corrupt given she represent u.s. virgin islands. She's so arrogant. Same with Rashida Tlaib. Meadows looked like he was going to cry he was so offended by her "racist" remarks about him. Yet he was so restrained in his response to her. In the end she gave a disingenuous apology if he "misunderstood her", meanwhile she didn't even lift her head to look at him while doing so.