Anonymous ID: 465581 Feb. 28, 2019, 12:34 p.m. No.5437060   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“Sweden’s EPP-members of European Parliament are Soros-allies”



Swedish right-wing politicians criticised the Swedish EPP member parties after they called on the party family to expel Hungary’s ruling Fidesz party.


“We don’t want to meddle into internal EPP affairs, if they have a valid reason to criticise Hungary’s governing party, they should do that. But their current criticism is rather a part of the political campaign of the leftist-liberal forces”, Bjorn Soder, MP of the Sweden Democrats told Magyar Hirlap.


According to Gustav Kasselstrand, the chairman of the Alternative For Sweden (AfS), the conservative parties within the EPP have been weakened by the new liberal bourgeoisie. He said it’s respectable, that Fidesz wants to“change the direction” of the party family, but the EPP “has become a weak, liberal group, which took over the left-liberal worldview, it represents the interests of the left side and George Soros”.


Magyar Hirlap’s article recalled the critical remarks of the Swedish EPP politicians and highlighted that all Swedish EPP MEPs are on the leaked list of Soros-allies.

Anonymous ID: 465581 Feb. 28, 2019, 12:36 p.m. No.5437089   🗄️.is 🔗kun

France Will Intervene if ISIS Fighter Citizens Sentenced to Death in Iraq


France’s Minister of Justice has announced that the government will intervene should French Islamic State members be sentenced to death in Iraq for their activities.


Thirteen French Islamic State fighters face trial in Iraq after being captured in Syria and under Iraqi law, the penalty for anyone caught providing material aid to Islamic State or other extremist organisations is death, Le Parisien reports.


Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet said that the French would allow the Iraqis to judge the foreign fighters but would insist on imposing a limit which would not allow the use of the death penalty.


” There are French adults who have knowingly gone on the battlefield, it is not illogical that they are responsible for their actions where they committed them,” Belloubet said.


“We are on the one hand ensuring that the rights of defence are ensured and on the other hand the French who are entitled to consular protection. We, therefore, will ensure the minimum of respect for the right to a fair trial,” she added.


The upcoming trials are just the latest of foreign fighters from Europe. Last year, the Iraqi courts sentenced French national Melina Boughedir to life in prison for being a member of Islamic State.


During the trial, the 27-year-old’s lawyers complained that the French government had worked proactively to stop her and other jihadists from returning to France.


Earlier this month, authorities revealed that France could be looking at hundreds of possible returning Islamic State members with the state services estimating there could be as many as 300 men, 300 women, and 500 children waiting to be repatriated.


Germany’s Linda Wenzel was also put on trial for joining the Islamic State by Iraqi authorities and was sentenced to six years in prison for various charges including entering the country illegally to join the terror group.

Anonymous ID: 465581 Feb. 28, 2019, 12:37 p.m. No.5437104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7177 >>7239

Israel will continue to act against Iran in Syria, Netanyahu tells Putin in Moscow


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel told Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Wednesday that Israel will continue to act against Iran’s attempts to entrench militarily in Syria.


Netanyahu shortened his trip and planned to return Wednesday night, the day of his meeting with Putin, reportedly so he could be in Israel on Thursday, when Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit may issue decisions on several criminal investigations against the prime minister.


The prime minister had postponed his meeting with Putin from last week because of “domestic political affairs,” the Kremlin announced at the time.


Prior to the start of their meeting, Netanyahu told Putin that Israel is “determined to continue our vigorous action against the attempts by Iran, which calls for our destruction,” according to the Israeli leader’s office.


Netanyahu said he believes the 11 meetings with Putin in the last 3 1/2 years are “a vital component in preventing risks and friction between our militaries and contributes to security and stability in the region.”


He invited Putin to attend the dedication of a memorial in Jerusalem to those who fell during the siege of Leningrad during World War II, when approximately 500,000 Jews fought in the Red Army. Putin reportedly accepted the invitation.


Along with Syria, the two discussed regional affairs and security coordination.


On Wednesday evening, Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, met with leaders of the Jewish community in Moscow.


“The Russian-speaking public [in Israel], over 1 million people, has changed the country and, together with the Jewish community here in Russia and Moscow, constitutes a living bridge between these two peoples,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 465581 Feb. 28, 2019, 12:39 p.m. No.5437131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7177 >>7239

Sergey Lavrov asks India for de-escalation of situation with Pakistan


Monitoring Desk: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has asked India for a de-escalation of the situation between India and Pakistan


According to Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov expressed his concerns during his meeting with Indian Minister for External Affairs Sushma Swaraj in Wuzhen, on the margins of the meeting of the RIC Foreign Ministers Council.


The official statement of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia stated that the Russian side (Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov) expressed hope for a de-escalation of the situation between India and Pakistan.


Meanwhile, Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia in a separate statement released today also expressed concerns in connection with growing tensions in India-Pakistan relations. The statement said:


“We express our serious concern about the exacerbation of the situation along the Line of Control between India and Pakistan and the outbreak of tensions between friendly states.


We call on both sides to show restraint and step up efforts to resolve existing problems by political and diplomatic means.


We are ready to further assist in strengthening the counter-terrorism potential of New Delhi and Islamabad”


It may be mentioned that Indian Air Force (IAF) on February 26, 2019 violated international boundary of Pakistan and entered into Khybar Pakhtunkhawa province in Kaghan valley but Indian jets were intercepted by Pakistan Air Force. In response to Indian action, Pakistan Air Force (PAF) targeted non-military places inside Indian Occupied Kashmir on February 27, 2019 and shot down two Indian Mig 21 fighter jets and arrested one Indian Pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman who is now in custody of Pakistan.

Anonymous ID: 465581 Feb. 28, 2019, 12:42 p.m. No.5437149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7185

France’s Macron leads the way as western leaders malevolently confuse anti-Zionism with antisemitism


How far the international community’s approach towards Israel has reversed trajectory over the past half century can be gauged simply by studying the fate of one word: Zionism.


In 1975 much of the world broke ranks with the United States and Europe at the United Nations general assembly to declare that Zionism, Israel’s founding ideology, “is a form of racism and racial discrimination”.


Western publics were generally shocked. Zionism, they had been told, was a necessary liberation movement for the Jewish people after centuries of oppression and pogroms. Its creation, Israel, was simply the righting of terrible wrongs that had culminated in the horrors of the Holocaust.


But Zionism looked very different to those countries around the globe that had been exposed to centuries of European colonialism and the more recent advent of US imperialism.


The long history of crimes against Jews that led to Israel’s establishment took place mostly in Europe. And yet it was Europe and the US that had sponsored and aided the arrival of Jews in another people’s homeland, far from their own shores.


To the global south, the great purges of native Palestinians carried out by European Jews in 1948 and 1967 looked all too reminiscent of white Europeans cleansing indigenous peoples in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

A colonial anachronism


By 1975, the time of the UN vote, it was clear that Israel had no intention either of handing back to the Palestinians the occupied territories it had seized eight years earlier. Rather, Israel was entrenching the occupation by illegally transferring its own civilian population into the Palestinian territories.


Across much of the globe, these Jewish settlers looked like an anachronism, a reminder of the white “pioneers” heading westwards across the supposedly empty lands of the US; the white farmers who seized vast tracts of South Africa and Rhodesia as their personal homesteads; and the white newcomers who herded the remnants of Australia’s Aboriginal peoples into reservations or turned them into a sideshow at its tourist sites.


The UN’s “Zionism is racism” resolution lasted 16 years – until the fall of the Soviet Union and the emergence of the US as the world’s sole superpower. After a lot of diplomatic arm-twisting by Washington, including promises that Israel would engage in a peace process with the Palestinians, Resolution 3379 was finally scrapped in 1991.


Decades later, the pendulum has swung decisively the other way.

