Thank you very much for your time BAKER!!
We were kinda diggin on this the other night. That creature just creeps me out. And im an adult!
I dont have my sauce on it. Doesnt amount to much anyway. Not much can be found on this company. I didnt really try that hard. was the end of the night. Seems after the press article I imagine they pulled up stakes. They do/did however pump out more children's games and apps. See pic momo3.
I might dig more on this. This IMHO is much more than desensitizing. This feels like some serious satanic shit. That character looks like a damned demon for sure.
Anyway pics area all I got ATM. I prolly will dig some more. Cant help but notice more of these apps popping up.
Once again no sauce, but a few years ago I think it was, there were these kids (mostly teens) that were playing a social media type game, kind of like a treasure hunting game. Some of the challenges were to cut yourself, hurt someone, steal shit.
This is sick shit right here.
Someone needs to do it.
No I dont think its a hoax. As u can see in my pics, the company is there. Ill see if I can track down the urls. I know its in notables from I think was two nights ago.
And this is a creature for kids. Yea not liking that. That thing looks pure evil. When I think of a demon, to me it would look much like that.
here is a link to the other games they make. Still kinda diggin but may have to head out.
Really not much found on the company itself. They had a twitter, but looks like it was shut down.
Forgot to make note of the skull and crossbones in the first pic of my post.
yup this is a dangerous time to have kids. Kinda glad I dont have any. Sickness everywhere. Glad your kid had the sense to let you know. You raising a good kid. grats for you.