Anonymous ID: 595cfb Feb. 28, 2019, 11:56 a.m. No.5436601   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just What Nobody Wanted: Globalists Push ‘Never Trump’ Media Racket Run by Neocons



"This follows news that infamous neocon Bill Kristol was joining The Bulwark, another landing spot for Weekly Standard leftovers, as editor-at-large. Bulwark’s editor-in-chief, Charlie Sykes claims his site serves as a “forum for rational, principled, fact-based conservative commentary” to “provide a voice for non-Trumpian conservatives” as the right-wing “descends into sophism and trollery.”


“We are not going to get any Russian or Saudi money,” Sykes boasted.


However, The Bulwark is a project of the leftist Defending Democracy Together Institute, which is funded by progressive financier Pierre Omidyar. Omidyar, the founder of eBay, is a notorious Trump hater who has funded Democratic party politics for decades. Omidyar is also a contemporary and influential supporter of George Soros. According to data compiled by Influence Watch, the Omidyar Network Fund has awarded grant money to many Soros fronts including Tides Foundation, Tides Center, and the Open Society Foundations.


It used to be considered a conspiracy theory to posit that the neocons were closet leftists who infiltrated conservative politics and made it their vehicle to promote big government, but these connections are becoming very difficult to deny. Whether it is due to their deep-seeded ideology or just out of mutual hatred of the President, neocons are now officially sleeping with the enemy. When the left comes to destroy Trump, expect these shameless creatures to attempt slithering back into power one last time."

Anonymous ID: 595cfb Feb. 28, 2019, 11:58 a.m. No.5436630   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gun Control Group Gets a New Disguise



"Gun controllers are re-branding.


The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the U.S.’s oldest gun control lobby, has changed its name to Brady as part of its rebranding efforts.


The gun control advocacy group announced this new rebranding strategy at an event celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Brady bill, which laid the first step to creating a federal gun registry.


Reliable gun control advocates such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer were in attendance at the event."

Anonymous ID: 595cfb Feb. 28, 2019, noon No.5436664   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chicago To Permanently Delete Gang Database Because… Racism




"The City of Chicago is set to delete its gang database after politicians complained that it had too large a proportion of African Americans and Hispanics.


Reports indicate that the gang database held over 25,000 names of individuals believed to be affiliated with 400 or more gangs. However, the Cook County Board believed this tool to be racist, and voted on a bill that required its permanent destruction, and will prohibit police from ever restarting such a list."