He’s been given a bit of knowledge
Twitter guy is coming back for another one
I’d be happy just with a whole Bravo podcast on his own
There’s no way that trip was about just one thing
Well it trended higher than both the summit and Cohen and may be the highest viewed podcast ever so….
I’ve never been concerned with FE. people are welcome to belive what they feel to be true. I like Eddie because he makes very valid points regarding almost anything. He has a unique way of making people expand their thinking. That is when he’s not being shut down or interrupted by someone else. He needs an hour a week of his own show. No guests.
My thoughts on AJ. Obviously born into this. Has extreme autist mind. Has been led astray and done a lot of his own self sabotage. Maybe he has been fed bad shit to spread - wether he knows it or not is another story. However, there is no denying he knows a whole fucking lot of truth too. It’s a matter of sorting the good from the bad. I think this whole recent affair has been a real wake up call for him.
I think so too. Unfortunately that whole borderline insanity thing he’s got going on can be a bit detrimental!
Because he is one
Hard to be that deep into shit and not lose your mind.
He’s in all our rooms right now