>>5436638 lb
>>5433791 pb
Switzerland Holy See + Vatican Rome being global Roth/ Clown operation central is making sense.
Italy and the Italian Band are mentioned in the Bible so i went looking around. Geneva, north of Rome, and Cairo, south of Rome are perpendicular to the magnetic ley line running through Rome. This is a match to both flags when the X on the Vatican flag is turned to make a + (cross). Turned to the left, the crown would point toward Geneva/Paris, to the right, the crown would point toward Cairo. Rome is mid-way between Geneva and Sicily. Sicily being the core of the Black Hand (mafia.. money laundering.. ). Each is on the opposite side of the vertical bisection through Rome, forming two sides (like the 2 sides of the Vatican flag), which could represent the 2 sides of the false dichotomy upon which the ruling controllers' organization is built (2 sides of the same coin - light/dark; seen/unseen). Can't all be coincidental.
Someone who has more than Paint could do a better graphic i'm sure, but it shows the basic idea.
This basic concept strikes me as one anons instinctively agree on but not sure exactly how many connections have been nailed down.