JW, I blame you for me wanting to grow up to be an assassin.
You mean, which glory hole?
Straight out of Art of the Deal. You have to be able to walk away without a deal. The ChiComms and the Norks overestimated the pressure the [D] party was having on POTUS, and thought they could force him into a bad deal.
Looks like an attempt at a multi-day headline grabbing event to me.
Wanted AJ to say "Eddie, look. Here's an unlimited ticket. You can fly from New York to Los Angeles to Hawaii to Hong Kong to Moscow to London to New York, all going the same direction. You idiot."
Go fuck yourself. POTUS has statutory authority to use funds already appropriated. Now go fuck yourself again.
Thanks to this bullshit my Hulu bill went up 15%. Fuckers.
This is a woman who repeats what someone says in her ear piece.
No, not hijacking. Test of system in case of hijacking.
Also, likely Q post.
I see a face too, but don't know if it's really there. We humans really see faces, even when they're not present. Instinct/self preservation, I suppose.
And no Hussein to toss him a billion bucks again. kek
Wow, from our board to their tweets. We really are the news now.
What a waste
Third Temple Entrance Coin (1/2 Sheckel)
The fuck do you think Hussein did with $800B +, numbnuts? Have you ever had an original thought in your shilly little life?
I think he means he's ready for the Q movie after the dust settles, starring Woods. I really hope that's what he means, because pm is straining credulity at this point.
From England? Where he admitted the raw intel is 50/50 in the dossier? sweet
Sweet! Under oath twice! Sure hope he told the same story!
Gotta admit, I couldn't follow it. Gonna have to wait for the Serial Brain 2 vid to explain this to me. If the dude's right, he gets major bragging points tho
Buh bye career
Trump's To Do List must be a mile long
Couriers are the best way to pass messages, aren't they?
Be epic if it was HRC's deleted emails.