The downfall of Justin Trudeau
28 FEBRUARY 2019 • 8:00PM
When Justin Trudeau became Canada’s 23rd prime minister in 2015, he was immediately crowned as the darling of the political Left.
Shortly after his election, Trudeau and his wife posed for a glossy feature in Vogue magazine, portraying him as a youthful, telegenic leader. Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev heaped praise on him at the United Nations in 2016, saying: “I love him. I admire him. He is a wonderful young leader of this planet.”
Following the accession of President Donald Trump, CNN gushed that “Justin Trudeau, ‘the anti-Trump,’ shows Canada’s progressive, diverse face.” He was seen as the natural successor to Barack Obama, and a champion of modern liberal values.
Ah, how the (supposedly)…
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