Anonymous ID: 1e0254 Feb. 28, 2019, 6:07 p.m. No.5441406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1439

>>5441221 lb


couple centuries post Christ - the roman state couldnt control christianity and the sense of sovereignty it instilled in men so (((they))) did only what they know best… subversion. And one can’t subvert without first infiltrating.


So Constantine “converted” from jew to christian and then quickly thereafter held the gathering to determine which books of thr bible would make it in and which ones wouldn’t. He put a ton of church leaders up for a couple months at his lake house estate and woo’ed them into agreeing that only 4 books of their 66 decided upon books of the bible, shall be from the works containing the actual spoken words of Jesus - and the red texts (quotes from Jesus) is that which sets the Gospels apart.


There were many other books that contained direct quotes from Jesus-thx to the Nag Hammadi findings to prove it. The sects that gave us the gospels, were shortly there after the cannonizing, raided for their other books and they were seized amd destroyed by the Roman empire. Some of the christian leaders present for the cannonizing, and the ones who lobbied for the Gospels, they were literally burned at a stake and worse during these raids.


Its one of, if not thee most most spun stories of all time.