How the (((Cabal))) uses money to enslave us: I have dedicated decades to studying this subject and I believe it ties in closely with what is going on now. The cabal controls our currency through the federal reserve. After 1913 the federal reserve (a private bank) was given the ability to create currency. After taking us off the gold standard in 1971, we now have no anchor of a physical scarce physical commodity to back our currency with value. The federal reserve is able to create currency out of thin air and even collect interest on this currency that we pay through the IRS. By aiming for a 2% inflation rate per year, they are using reverse compounding interest to devalue the purchasing power of the dollar since 1913 and they have been successful. They also have been manipulating the price of gold in order to prevent the masses from noticing the devaluation of the fiat dollar. The ability to create currency allows them to fund all of the evil (((they))) commit and also cover it up. This is the reason the deep state is so powerful and had so much success, unlimited funds. This is why Q has only spoken about this topic briefly but he sums it up in one sentence, "Gold shall destroy the fed". The federal reserve only has power through the fact that we all agree that the US dollar is our currency. This great awakening is going to blow the lid off all the tricks (((they))) have been doing to us for over a century. We need a currency that cannot be manipulated, and I believe that will be Trump's final act at the end of his 2nd term will be a currency that is issued by the people (no interest payments) backed by gold.