Anonymous ID: bc97bd Feb. 28, 2019, 8:02 p.m. No.5442957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2997 >>3133




Don't forget, the new central banking rules from the BIS kick in on April 1. The paper gold/silver will no longer be counted as a Tier 1 and riskless asset. Physical gold/silver will be Tier 1 with 0% risk.


Gold will destroy the Fed. The Fed lent most of it's gold to bullion banks and changed the line on it's book from gold in the vault -gold and gold receivables. The gold receivables are paper gold IOU's lent to bullion banks, which is likely the majority of their holdings.


The BIS is ran by the RothsChild-diddlers, which is the central bank of central banks. It oversees much of the central bank gold swaps. The clowns likely expected Hillary to be in power when the new regulations kicked in. Fortunately, GEOTUS prevailed and bust out his magic wand. He is filling the coffers and the military engineers are going to be mining in Alaska at the Pebble Project location, which happens to be next to "Fort Knox Mine".


The Y-Head picture of lady RothsChild-diddler only had the word "Gold" as text. Gold shall detroy the Fed may mean the RothsChild-diddlers are now stuck destroying the Fed via the gold market. The system was a time bomb either way, hence the 1980 Economist magazine with the phoenix rises from burning paper currency.


As POTUS said many times, "They wanted to turn us into Venezuela"…..fortunately, they never thought Crooked would lose haha.

Anonymous ID: bc97bd Feb. 28, 2019, 8:33 p.m. No.5443418   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Some BIS gold fuckery highlights…100% clown bank:


3 Oct-13 Nov 1929 A committee to elaborate the structure and statutes of the Bank for International Settlements meets in Baden-Baden, Germany.


20 Jan 1930 The Final Act of the Second Hague Conference is adopted by heads of state and government representatives. This includes the agreement between the central banks of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom and a financial institution representing the United States to set up the Bank for International Settlements.


26-27 Feb 1930 Governors of the founding central banks meet in Rome to officially create the BIS, nominating its President and the members of its Board of Directors.


Jul 1944 The United Nations Conference in Bretton Woods agrees to the creation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank; it also adopts Resolution V calling for the liquidation of the BIS at "the earliest possible moment".


13 May 1948 Washington Agreement: the BIS reimburses looted gold it had inadvertently received from the German Reichsbank during the war to the Allied Tripartite Commission. The Bretton Woods resolution calling for the liquidation of the BIS is put aside.


Sep 1964 The 10 main central banks represented at the BIS (G10) inaugurate regular meetings of gold and foreign exchange experts in Basel. The Gold and Foreign Exchange Experts' Committee is renamed the Markets Committee in May 2002.


1 Apr 2003 The BIS changes its unit of account from the gold franc (in force since 1930) to the SDR (IMF Special Drawing Rights).


Jan 2013 The BCBS releases Basel III: the Liquidity Coverage Ratio and liquidity risk monitoring tools, aimed at strengthening global capital and liquidity regulations.


Pics are RothsChild-diddler controlled central banks via Q post. The 4th bank post (Q138) points out:


The FED and the IRS

FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws.