Don't forget, the new central banking rules from the BIS kick in on April 1. The paper gold/silver will no longer be counted as a Tier 1 and riskless asset. Physical gold/silver will be Tier 1 with 0% risk.
Gold will destroy the Fed. The Fed lent most of it's gold to bullion banks and changed the line on it's book from gold in the vault -gold and gold receivables. The gold receivables are paper gold IOU's lent to bullion banks, which is likely the majority of their holdings.
The BIS is ran by the RothsChild-diddlers, which is the central bank of central banks. It oversees much of the central bank gold swaps. The clowns likely expected Hillary to be in power when the new regulations kicked in. Fortunately, GEOTUS prevailed and bust out his magic wand. He is filling the coffers and the military engineers are going to be mining in Alaska at the Pebble Project location, which happens to be next to "Fort Knox Mine".
The Y-Head picture of lady RothsChild-diddler only had the word "Gold" as text. Gold shall detroy the Fed may mean the RothsChild-diddlers are now stuck destroying the Fed via the gold market. The system was a time bomb either way, hence the 1980 Economist magazine with the phoenix rises from burning paper currency.
As POTUS said many times, "They wanted to turn us into Venezuela"…..fortunately, they never thought Crooked would lose haha.