Digging led me to a strange area; it started when i posted about the spelling error in Q's post here >>5488382 (Q) [James 8 Corney vs James B Comey]. see >>5496725 (me) (pb).
I got this response that led me to an address in Western Australia via realestate.com.au. 8 CORNEY ST. PORT HEDLAND WA.
>>5497044 (pb)
rabbit hole deepens.
wow. 8 Corney Street Port Hedland WA. Sold for $20,170,000 in 2005, bought in 1991 for $73,500, sold in 2002 for $305,000. currently worth $400k.
Next door, 10 Corney Street. In 1991 Sold for $19, 277,000, same owners. currently worth $565k.
the other side No. 6 Corney Street. In 1991 sold for $19,277,000, has changed hands multiple times, last sold for $975,000 in 2007. currently worth ~$500k.
whereas No. 4 and No. 12 Corney Street were both sold for, in 1991, $84,400 and $83,800 respectively.
so; 3 properties in Port Hedland WA that have been sold/bought for approx $60 million, side by side, in an unremarkable looking street, in remote northwestern Australia, while the houses on either side of these 3 having being bought/sold at less than $100k over the same time period.
>pic most definitely related.
6 houses/properties bought in May 1991 all for $19,277,000 each. While properties around them sell for much less and continue to sell for much less.
2 houses bought in June 2005 for $20,170,000. While properties around them sell for much less and continue to sell for much less.
Who is laundering money here?
What's going on?
Why would someone pay $20m for a property worth a fraction of that? Multiple times in the same small area?
Will try and dig some property owners' names after some rest.
This ain't to far off the deep water port sold to the Chinese which has a few people having NATSEC concerns, wondering if that has anything to do with this or if it's just a few mining Executives running a wash…
here's streetview from 2014
▶Anonymous 03/04/19 (Mon) 06:58:35 841095 (5) No.5498246
Oi mad dog, this may have been government owned.
Sold $305,000 27 SEP 2002 - Government 27 SEP 2002 - Sold $305,000