Anonymous ID: 2cbbf8 Feb. 28, 2019, 9:46 p.m. No.5444377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4381 >>4621

Hey Anons (1/5)


The term PSYOP is thrown around a lot on this board, and while I understand how it could be seen in that manner and find it slightly flattering, it is misused far too often.


After over a decade as PSYOP and Information Operations Planner, I thought I might help clear a few things up, and perhaps tell you a few things that may be new to you. During my time I have overseen, planned, and implemented programs that were disseminated over millions of people. This will be a rather lengthy post, but I will try to at least make it worth your while. Further, I cannot address every bit of the process or nuance in here, I am not looking to write a book.


First, let us call it for what it really is, propaganda. I know the PSYOP community frowns upon the use of this term, but these days precise language is important. Also, I would like to note that I do not use the word propaganda in a derogatory sense, rather I use it in a morally neutral one. I will be using the terms propaganda to discuss the general use/idea of information warfare, and PSYOP as it relates to American actors who fill this role or American doctrine. PSYOP uses propaganda.


One of the great misconceptions about propaganda is that it works on short time scales. I assure you any propaganda that is successful, requires ~15-20 years for any meaningful change to occur. Now, before some very sharp anon (and there are some quite sharp anons here, it’s a good thing) points out that advertisers can get us to part with our hard earned cash quite easily without the need of such a length of time, let me address that. You are very correct, we have all gotten bit by that one, however, the underlying consumerism that they exploit has been around for the necessary time frame, it didn’t happen overnight.


Pavlov’s dog once trained, all you have to do is ring the bell.

Anonymous ID: 2cbbf8 Feb. 28, 2019, 9:47 p.m. No.5444381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4386 >>4621




Next, propaganda is not created/planned without a very clear objective in mind, and it works toward a strategic goal. In PSYOP these are broken down in the use of PO’s and SPO’s.


PSYOP Objective (PO) – These are the measurable responses you seek an audience to conduct.


Supporting PSYOP Objective (SPO) – These represent the specific behaviors you are seeking.


You can think of the PO and SPO this way, the PO would be “reduce violence in XXXXX” the SPO would be “target audience increases reporting of gang activity”. So the relationship between the two is what do we want the end state to be, and what specific steps can we take to achieve it. There are generally very few PO’s (< 10), and each PO has at least several SPO’s (5 - 5 would be a rather small and limited campaign).


In order to achieve any level of success in this a couple things are important.


First, the selection of a Target Audience (TA) that is capable of achieving the specified objective. I don’t think I need to tell you that a great deal of research is devoted to this, and depending on what level you are working or other conditions, you could have access to a great deal of information, this includes how the TA receives their information. This is where you make your money. Second, you need to know who influences a particular TA. Don’t waste time going from individual to individual, focus on the influencers and the sheep will follow.


With all this information in hand you would need to seek the people who have the greatest influence over the largest number of TA’s as possible. Of course some will be receptive, some will not be. Of course you work on influencers of all levels, you can never lose sight of the bigger picture as they may achieve a higher level of influence in the future. If you are just starting out though, the biggest fish you can catch are generally smaller ones in the periphery.

Anonymous ID: 2cbbf8 Feb. 28, 2019, 9:47 p.m. No.5444386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4394 >>4507 >>4621 >>4657



Now, we need to discuss something a bit more “controversial”, most anons will realize that the truth here, but the shills and the others may not. I want to bring this a little closer to the situation we face.


Who is more easily influenced? This aides in targeting. Since it will be a bit more understandable in the left-right paradigm we shall use that here, the underlying is more nuanced than I have room for here.


Is it the Liberal Left? Or the Conservative Right?


First we must look at the field of Moral Psychology. And I encourage anons to dig into it, a very interesting field. I wonder if it’s principles were actively applied to memes, what would happen…


The Liberal Left generally and the Regressive Left specifically operate on a 2 foundation morality. These foundations are: Care/Harm and Fairness/Cheating, if you listen to your leftist friends/relatives or the cesspool that is twatter for any length of time you will notice how often their objections stem from these.


On the Conservative Right however, we find a 5 foundation morality. These foundations are: Care/Harm, Fairness/Cheating, Loyalty/Betrayal, Authority/Subversion, and Sanctity/Degradation. Notice how well the platform of “America First” resonated with the Right. The loyalty and authority foundations ensure an in-group preference within conservative circles who by their very nature, conserve.


Which do you believe is easier to manipulate? A 2 foundation morality, or a 5 foundation one?


Another factor to consider in psychology is looking at the Big 5 Personality traits. Liberals of course score much higher than conservatives in the trait of Openness. This means liberals are more likely to favor new/outside ideas, while conservative are more skeptical/cautious.

Anonymous ID: 2cbbf8 Feb. 28, 2019, 9:48 p.m. No.5444394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4400 >>4621



Targeting of liberals in the culture that you seek a change of behavior in is far more successful and as such liberals are going to be targeted far more often and with far more resources. Not saying conservative are not targeted, they are, but if I want the most bang for my buck, I know where I am going.


Target Audiences once selected must be bombarded with the intended message constantly and from as many sources as possible with no breaks for it to be successful. If you have read much history you may begin to see why censorship and centralized control of media is critical in later stages of subversion campaigns.


Which social institutions would you need to conduct a disinformation/propaganda campaign successfully?




-Political Parties

-Religious Organizations

-Economic Entities

-Cultural Entities

-Others (When dealing with specific nations/cultures these can vary a bit)


Those you cannot control, you must destroy/discredit. Notice any patterns or parallels to today?


PSYOP/Propaganda is a tool.


For those who say Q is a PSYOP. No dear friends, he is not.


Q is something bigger, and PSYOP/Propaganda is just one tool in Q team’s belt.


Framing will be CRITICAL for the plan to succeed. Framing takes time. Trust The Plan.

Anonymous ID: 2cbbf8 Feb. 28, 2019, 9:48 p.m. No.5444400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4464 >>4621 >>4907



Now here is where it get interesting, because surely, someone will object saying “but what about 15-20 years? Will Q take THAT long?” No. As I stated earlier, I cannot get into every little detail here, but in order to wake people up from their programming it will take something BIG, and it cannot leave ANY room for doubt (Think taking a flat-earther to space, they would have to see for themselves). This is why the plan must be precise in it’s facts, findings and timing.


Personally, I am enjoying this show, and you should too.


Don’t worry, be happy!


Except you traitors and shills. PAIN IS COMING! (Go Q!)


Godspeed Q. Godspeed Q+. Godspeed Anons.



Anonymous ID: 2cbbf8 Feb. 28, 2019, 10:04 p.m. No.5444587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4624


Not establishing, established. Their worldview is built upon a 2 foundation morality, and are more open to new/outside ideas than someone with a 5 foundation morality since the 5 foundation morality contains an inherent in-group preference.


This is really a deep-in-the-weeds, and if I am reading your comment correctly, you would be correct to point out there are many more factors that I did not list.


If not your point, let me know, I am a bit tired this evening.