That still sounds dumb, grandpa.
Lol. That vag looks well used.
Good grief. You don't know shit guy. You're just a boomer fanboy with nothing to do but hang out here and dream of somehow being relevant. Its not working.
Here ya go. LMAO!
Anyone born before about 1965. I'm guessing thats 50% of these guys.
I thought that was called off.
It needs to come out, FISA documents need to come out, DOJ needs to get off their dead, worthless asses and uphold the fucking law for a change.
I can't believe this was planned. All in all I'd say it didn't go well for Potus. Between this deal falling through and the circus in congress, not a good week.
Or keeping Trump voters from putting on yellow vests and AR-15's and putting an end the demonic Democrats. I think the administration wants a chance to get past 2020 with out a shit storm breaking out.
Whats your inner reaction to the notion of a Democrat retaking the White House? Mine isn't very nice.
Who called in the hit on Seth Rich?
I don't like Cushner and it troubles me he's in the White House.
Oh wow, thats ugly, but it fits. I figure it was left up to someone like Podesta or perhaps someone we don't know even exists.
Yeah even if Trump had lost (cheated out of it) I think they fully intended on trying to punish him. Of course once he won it became much more serious.
She had a purse factory in Haiti. Lots of places you can make purses.
Yeah and I'm not exactly sure what the problem is. Id Sessions wasn't moving bad actors out, why not?
That's fucked up right there.
I think she, like several other celebs, couldn't take it anymore. They wanted out and I'm sure some were going to talk so they got the red scarf and a doorknob treatment.
I think these people are drugged with something and then strung up and that of course kills them. I think these people basically sold their should for fame and when they couldn't handle the situation they got dealt with. I think the scarf and doorknob sends a known message to others too.
I'll vote for Trump again in 2020. If nothing else it triggers the shitlibs out there.
I see. I'm in a red state and our state elections matter somewhat. The Republicans have delivered on some things that matter, like concealed carry.
I was serious. Its amazing how blatant Dems are about caring more for illegals than citizens. of course gun owners aren't their base so…
Not even close.
Humiliation ritual. If you want a career you do what they tell you to do. He's lucky, he didn't have to kill someone close to him……..yet anyway.