Speaking of raping peoples ears (and minds) with irrelevant shit and stinking like BO (or kimchi wrapped in a dirty diaper)…
I had an epiphany today…
I no longer want a wall, I want open borders.
Lets take Jesse Campos (illegal immigrant)
This dude is my fuggin hero. He is like NEO from the Matrix.
This super-hero hapoens to be in a hallway with few cameras(except for paddocks 3) and barred stairwell and goes unarmed to the door of a room that’s been unleashing automatic gunfire for over a minute, (maybe) to ask the shooter if he’d like some room service or possibly a soda. Kung Fu dodges 150+ high velocity rounds at kess than a few feet away with only a wall for shielding and only incurs a minor flesh wound to the leg.
In a miraculous bout of selflisness and bravery he remains in the hallway to dutifuly tell the first of 8 responding officers exactly what room the shooter is in. Miraculously Video is shown of this meeting in the hallway in the final report. They, not having his cohones, decide to let Paddock cool down, reliad and hopefully start shooting again. Meanwhile an hour later Vegas SWAT shows up to save the day and breach the room. In the meantime the other officers bravely escort the whole floor of material witnesses off of the floor.
Initial reports said Jesse led that effort as well limping down the hall like a boss. Sadly Paddock is found to have taken his own life and first makes sure the hard-drive is removed from his laptop.
He dies happy knowing his girl is safe in the Phillipines.
He knows his brother won’t talk because he conveniently buried Child Porn on his computer in files he probably couldn’t access and knew Law Enforcement to find.
He knew he was getting up there and being just a millionaire just wasn’t gonna cut it.
Goodbye cruel world, but before I go I’m gonna shoot up a concert full of Conservatives.
Jesse on the other hand does one show on Ellen and then not wanting to famefag, he foregoes the bestowal of a likely Medal of Freedom with honarary Citizenship certainly included, and disappears from our lives forever.
If all illegal immigrants are like this, the dems are right. We need moar of them.
Spark of Divine indeed. Let’s make them all Spooks.
Ultimately, Jesse will never know he missed out on a rockstar life in a country that was now set on being completely transparent and open with it’s citizens.
Sniff… yep B.o.
I’m gonna take a shower I guess.