"FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT"… by not doing ANYTHING and "trusting the plan".
Seems logical.
"FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT"… by not doing ANYTHING and "trusting the plan".
Seems logical.
MS-13 is threatening NYPD officers… Why?
MSM will say it's so they can earn credibility. The reality is, many in law enforcement are bought and paid for, some by MS-13. MS-13 is merely tying up loose ends. And this entails killing officers whom they have worked with previously, so they cannot be "turned".
Now you know.
REMEMBER: Over HALF of sex-trafficking victims interviewed in a RECENT study, claimed LAW ENFORCEMENT WAS INVOLVED.
WE THE PEOPLE, have never needed to rise-up more than now. I say that with all sincerity and with desperation for my people to wake up and finally do something.
"Mother should I trust the gov't?" - Pink Floyd
Fair point… Regardless, they will assume that label if it benefits them.
I understand that most "Jews" are actually Asiatic-Mongols (or Khazarians). And that over 80% of Israel today has ZERO ties to ancient Hebrew-linage. But most don't get this distinction, including many actual Jews/Semites themselves.
If a person doesn't want to be associated with child-sacrifice, pedophilia, etc…then they should distance themselves from Judaism, Semites, etc.
The Rabbinical Talmudists have so thoroughly perverted Judaism, I'm not sure it even really exists anymore.
THIS… No group, organization or agency is entirely clean. And law enforcement, the courts, alphabet-agencies, etc, are no exception.
Human-nature will rear it's occasionally ugly head in EVERY profession known to man.
It is a MAJOR-PROBLEM to assume that because someone has a badge or an official title, that they are "good".
Be alert, anons. Be safe.
Nah, I should have been moar clear… I have many reasons.
I should have said, I want "justification".
I agree whole-heartedly… But have concerns they would only be subverted and controlled from the top. Trust me, this happens EVERY time Americans try to organize.
The best course of action is what is called the "COMBAT 18" method. Basically, you operate at your own level of comfort, on your own, and you don't talk about it. To anyone. You do your part, if you can, when you can.
Be unconventional (Don't let them see you coming).
Be diplomatic when possible (The idea is to win folks over.)
Be a force-multiplier (This is why we red-pill).
Do something for the cause EVERY DAY. (Every little bit counts).
FIGHT, any way you can. (It matters).
Good luck.
Yeah, and how do you know you can trust them? Or their leadership?
Why have any groups? We know what needs to be done.
The thing is, we are not talking about overthrowing the gov't. We are talking about stopping those who are seeking to overthrow our gov't by subversion.
WE THE PEOPLE, love this country and it's Constitution.