Of course it's a multi layered strategy.
The way I see it , there are so many variables and so many players involved the only way the plan could have ever even been considered was to war game it repeatedly using a super computer.
The fact that there may or may not be allies in Congress doesn't negate the fact that there are still some dangerous sonsabitches playing ball for the other team who have learned the comms and are desperately trying to throw monkey wrenches into the gears at every opportunity.
The Viet Nam war was declared over by Nixon in 1973.
Anyone who fought in that war would be 65 years old at a minimum.
65 definitely a Boomer. Last of Boomers born in 1964.
Not sure how many of us geezers are here. I was born in 60 so I was too young for Viet Nam.
Grew up watching it every night on evening news.
Needs more melted butter.
Have you been paying attention to just how much real estate they have been selling off during the course of this last year?
I think we are going to find out in less than 3 weeks.
The scales were just starting to fall away from my eyes before I could follow him closely. That guy had these fuckers pegged.
The captain lost the helm and they drifted. The comments section of some of the pieces are complete shit shows now.
Balkanization writ large on the horizon.