Anonymous ID: ec11c5 March 1, 2019, 4:07 a.m. No.5446377   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5445197 lb

>I thought this as wel.

>I think it was part too show how Vietnam has succeeded. even after the Vietnam war.

>showing Kim things will be good and Vietnam still has strict laws.


surprise! (Trump walking from table) it's not a surprise! It's 3 card montey for the media, or if you prefer a different metaphor, we watched him demonstrate a card trick to a dog (news media / Dems / other "muh appearances" and "muh presi twattin is unpresi" faggots): they look upon but have no idea what to make of what the just saw except to interpret it against prior presidential behavior of which the accuse POTUS of shitting upon and otherwise rendering useless.


the concern fags all about how he's prone to breaking presidential protocol (whatever da fuk day is) interpret his walking away as indication that the protocol is not broken (fucking mental gymnastic assholes media and Dems both).


here's reason I am posting all I just said above: from close of first summit. article by /Pepe Escobar/ from Asia Times and relayed in ZH.




The Singapore joint statement is not a deal; it’s a statement.

The absolutely key item is number 3: “Reaffirming the April 27, 2018, Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work toward the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.”

This means that the US and North Korea will work towards denuclearization not only in what concerns the DPRK but the whole Korean Peninsula.


tldr: as long as north and south keep moving towards shared goal of peace and reunification nukes will have no place there, and our soldiers will not be needed there either. no matter what it appears regarding optics of POTUS & KJU meets, their comms are guud, and it is a show for us not those with cameras and mics.


p.s. any first impressions on a pepe Escobar QNN correspondent? Shit just writes itself it seems