Anonymous ID: f6e0d3 March 1, 2019, 2:31 a.m. No.5445952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5958

A prominent associate was protested for supporting Trump just before he took office in 2017.

The day before and the day of the "protest", the time and place of the staged circus was announced on local Voice of MSM Corp. whenever they threw feces about my associate.

About 10 minutes before showtime 2 luxury buses and a short bus with markings of a progressive fake church group pulled up. About 50-60 people piled out. Signs were issued to them from the luggage compartment. Several characters walked up and down the road about 500 feet, looking for something. A few more shifty "paid volunteers" pulled up in their own vehicles.

When the media shills arrived they blunted their smokes and grouped by the busses. The shills spoke to the organizers, then started setting up their AV gear. I counted 2 radio, a local TV news vehicle and a private "journalist".

The paid "protesters" moved toward my front gate. They stayed on the curb but blocked it for about 5 miinutes while the shills took pictures, then they all left. This staged photo op took about 35 minutes.

It was mentioned on the news that sevaral hundred disgruntled "workers" in my associate's field protested. A few paragraphs of canned leftard propaganda declaring victory over da man was circulated for the progtard illiterati. A few local and state politicians stumped some progtard bait. National MSM added this to their bilge against my associate.

So when you look at this picture cropped to make a few ignorant knobs look like a swarm of hungry 50' cockroaches, know that you are just watching a movie.

The MSM is the con to justify open theft of us. They are killing us with these brood parasites. Think about ways to defend against this type of gang warfare.

Anonymous ID: f6e0d3 March 1, 2019, 5:06 a.m. No.5446656   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Pelosi's senile dementia is severely advanced. She can't function. She must be removed asap.

Schumer can still be tried and executed for his crimes against humanity, treason and sedition.