Anonymous ID: 894629 March 1, 2019, 10:17 a.m. No.5449916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0295



Thru the niavety of our parents and their parents before them and so on we have been born into the slave / beast system.


Thru the use of word and money magik / trickery the wizards and witches who ADMINISTER the beast system have locked us into eternal bondage and stolen our souls to ensure we are the living dead awaiting our inevitable downward end.


To fight this system you must reject it with all your heart and soul and pursue the 10 commandments of the most high God and seek your savior Jesus.


The most high God gave a you a choice.


The God of this world did not, Satan stole you at birth by fraud, there is no other way out but to awaken to this FACT and pursue the above.


Proverbs 6:16-19


There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.




The guilty are the ADMINISTRATORS and are not subjected to the laws (((they))) use to control slaves.


Time to wake up!

Anonymous ID: 894629 March 1, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.5449962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0084 >>0369

Israeli govt not interested in long-lasting peace with Palestinians, fmr Israeli navy chief tells RT


Tel Aviv has no desire to seek out a peace process that will have long-term benefits for both Palestinians and Israelis, the former commander-in-chief of the Israeli navy told RT’s Sophie Shevardnadze.


Admiral Ami Ayalon, who also served as the head of Israel’s Shin Bet security service, explained to Shevardnadze why he fears that Israel is heading towards another war.


“It seems the Israeli government doesn’t have any interest in creating any kind of peace process or any kind of negotiations that will lead to a better future for the Israelis and the Palestinians,” he told the SophieCo host.


He expressed disappointment in how the Trump administration has handled the Israel-Palestine issue and mused that Washington has a poor grasp of the decades-long conflict.


“When I listen, especially to American voices during the last 20 years, they do not understand the Middle East, they do not understand Palestinians, and, if you ask me, they do not understand Israel the way I believe Israel should be,” Ayalon stated. He predicted that unfortunately, upcoming elections in Israel are unlikely to “change our political direction” for the better.

Anonymous ID: 894629 March 1, 2019, 10:23 a.m. No.5450003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0048 >>0369

‘Time to end the nuclear threat’: Graham hints at war hours after Trump-Kim summit stalls


Sen. Lindsey Graham is already saber-rattling at North Korea less than a day after President Donald Trump and leader Kim Jong-un ended their summit amicably without a signed agreement. Graham, it seems, doesn’t handle peace well.


While the South Carolina Republican applauded Trump for walking away from the negotiating table rather than agreeing to anything less than "complete denuclearization" from the DPRK, Graham didn't seem to grasp the concept of incremental progress, or improved diplomatic relations, resorting to threats and dusting off Trump's own puerile name-calling from over a year ago.


"We must not go back to the status quo," Graham warned, even getting in a jibe at "Rocket Man" – though Kim has not conducted a missile test since 2017 and reportedly told Trump he has no plans to do so.


"If negotiations fail, it would be time to end the nuclear threat from North Korea – one way or the other," Graham said ominously. Both Kim and Trump, meanwhile, left the summit looking full of optimism that a deal would be struck in the future.


Graham has historically been among the most trigger-happy of his trigger-happy party, eclipsed perhaps only by his friend the late Sen. John McCain, who never met a country a good bombing wouldn't fix. Graham famously predicted in 2017 that there was a 30-percent chance Trump would preemptively nuke North Korea to prevent Kim from developing a weapon capable of hitting the US, and he has been among the most strident voices excoriating the president whenever Trump hints at pulling troops out of Syria, Afghanistan, or any of the other endless conflicts in which the US military is involved around the globe.

Anonymous ID: 894629 March 1, 2019, 10:25 a.m. No.5450047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0212

Disturbing Video Shows What ‘Shopping While Black’ Looks Like in a Police State


The taxpayers of Ft. Meyers, Florida will soon be held liable for two officers who attacked a man for doing nothing but shopping in a 7-Eleven


Fort Meyers, FL — Holley Delton Jones, 42, was shopping at a 7-Eleven last year when two police officers approached him for no reason and attacked him. Jones had done nothing wrong, the store employees even told the police this, yet he was attacked, tasered, and arrested. Now, nearly one year after the incident, the taxpayers will likely be the ones held accountable.


On April 15, 2018, Jones was shopping at the 7-Eleven when officers James Barlow and Chris Robles show up and begin questioning him for no reason. There had been no complaints against Jones and he had simply stopped at the gas station to purchase water and cigarettes.


When police approached Jones, he was at the register talking to the cashier—doing nothing wrong. Police claimed they were responding to a report of a disorderly intoxicated male at the gas station. But according to their own report, they made no reference to Jones being that person. In fact, the store employees told them several times that he had “done nothing.”


Police claimed in their report that when they tried to talk to him, Jones “quickly ran back towards the front entrance of the 7-Eleven opened the front door, and turned around in a defensive posture with a closed fist as if he was going to strike Officer.”


But this is not what happened and their own body cameras prove it.


In spite of the fact that the cashiers in the store were standing up for Jones, the officers continued to press him. When they asked him to step outside, Jones complies and walks over to the officer, asking why they want to talk to him.


Jones reaches out to shake the officer’s hand but the officer refuses, getting defensive and demands that Jones “don’t touch me!”


Jones again complies, but is clearly confused as to why the cop has all of the sudden turned from nice guy to “don’t touch me or something bad is going to happen.”


Even the cashier tells officer Robles that Jones didn’t try to touch him and it was just a hand shake. But the officer remains defensive, telling the cashier that “he touched me!”


Remember, Jones had not committed a crime and was merely trying to go about his business. He had the full support of the workers inside the private property he was occupying. And, police did not confirm that he was the person they allegedly received a complaint about. Despite all of these facts, police continued to press him.


Jones asks once more what he’s done wrong, to which Robles replies, “You’re real close to doing something wrong.”


Robles asks the 7-Eleven clerk, Natasha Brown, if she wants Jones out of the store and she says “he didn’t do nothing.”


When Barlow arrives to backup Robles, eventually Jones goes outside with the police, although he is fearful the entire time—for good reason.


As Jones walks out of the store, the cashier again says that he did not do anything wrong, to which Robles replies. “he touched me.” Moments later, all hell would break loose.


As police tell Jones to stand by the bumper of their car, he turns to walk back into the store. That’s when the officer pulls out his taser and shoots Jones with it.


Jones screams out in agony begging them to stop. He is then handcuffed without incident and arrested.


Jones was charged with disturbing the peace, resisting an officer without violence, heroin possession, and marijuana possession.


All of these charges were unsubstantiated and dropped.


Jones has since retained attorney Solomon Radner who said all his client was “guilty” of that day was “shopping while being black.”


“They had no legal reason to do what they did,” he said.


According to News Press, Radner said the officers violated Jones’ First and Fourth Amendment rights and that the officers involved had no reasonable suspicion before they detained and arrested him.


The suit also claims the officers acted in an intentionally malicious and reckless manner to detain and arrest Jones without a warrant or any lawful basis.


When asked why police approached Jones that day, Radner responded, “That’s a great question.”


Indeed, when you watch the video below, it becomes apparent that Jones had done nothing wrong prior to police approaching him.

Anonymous ID: 894629 March 1, 2019, 10:27 a.m. No.5450076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0277 >>0406

Four Weeks After Blackface Photo Surfaced, Ralph Northam Still In Office


Virginia Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam is still in office and has no plans to resign a month after a photo from his medical school yearbook surfaced showing two people dressed in blackface and KKK robes.


The photo is from Northam’s Eastern Virginia Medical School 1984 senior yearbook page and depicts two figures, one dressed in blackface and one sporting KKK robes. The photo surfaced Feb. 1.


Northam admitted to and apologized on Feb. 1 for appearing in the “clearly racist and offensive” photograph, according to The Washington Post. “I am deeply sorry for the decision I made to appear as I did in this photo and for the hurt that decision caused then and now,” he said.


On Feb. 2, Northam backtracked and said he is not either of the people in the photo.


“I am not the person in that photo,” he said at a press conference. He did, however, admit to darkening his face as part of a Michael Jackson costume.


Virginia delegate and longtime associate of Northam’s, Democratic Del. Charniele Herring, claims Northam admitted to her that he was in the photo. “He told me personally on Friday that he acknowledges it was him in the photograph,” Herring said,


Two days after the photo surfaced, half of Virginia Democrats still approved of the governor, according to a Feb. 2-3 Morning Consult poll.


Northam’s wife, Pam Northam, became embroiled in her own political debacle after she allegedly gave cotton to black students during a tour of the governor’s mansions. She allegedly asked the students “if they could imagine what it must have been like to pick cotton all day,” The Washington Post reported Friday.


A media storm also erupted around the governor in January after he made comments appearing to condone infanticide and late-term abortions.


Northam said later that he doesn’t regret statements he made appearing to condone infanticide and late-term abortion, and blames media outlets for misconstruing his words. “No, I don’t have any regrets,” Northam said, at a press conference, adding, “I regret that those comments have been mischaracterized.”


Northam has served as Virginia’s governor since Jan. 13, 2018.

Anonymous ID: 894629 March 1, 2019, 10:29 a.m. No.5450109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0369 >>0406

Pedophiles are hunting children as young as 5 on Instagram as grooming triples on social media

Children as young as five are being groomed and abused on Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook, with 5,161 incidents reported in the UK in 18 months. The number of children targeted on Instagram has tripled in just one year, writes.


Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram were used to target children in 70 percent of recorded incidents, the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) reports. While 12-15-year-old girls were the most common targets for pedophiles, about 20 percent of the victims were under 11 and the youngest victim was just five years old.


Groomers used Instagram to contact targets in 428 cases between April and September 2018, a huge increase from the same period in 2017 which saw 126 cases. This figure only includes incidents where police recorded the method of communication used to target victims, the real number may be far higher.


The NSPCC obtained the figures through freedom of information requests to 39 police forces in England and Wales. A number of forces, including the City of London, did not respond to the request. Sexual communication with a child became an offense in the UK in April 2017.


“These figures are overwhelming evidence that keeping children safe cannot be left to social networks”, said NSPCC chief executive Peter Wanless.


Pedophiles have long trawled social media networks for grooming victims and for images of children. Australia’s Children’s eSafety Commissioner Alastair MacGibbon warned in 2015 that tens of millions of photos of children on pedophile websites had been taken from Instagram, often the child’s parents account. “The images are almost always accompanied by highly explicit and very disturbing user comments”, MacGibbon said.


In January, it emerged that people were using #dropboxlinks on social media to connect with other pedophiles to trade images of children. When the accounts were reported, Instagram at first said it did not violate the terms. People flooded the hashtags with memes to make it more difficult for the pedophiles to find each other until, following a report in the Atlantic, Instagram restricted the hashtag.


Youtube announced this week it would disable comments on children’s videos after a number of big advertisers pulled ads when reports emerged that pedophiles were leaving predatory messages in the comment sections.


The company also came under fire after it emerged that users who searched for terms like, ‘bikini haul’ were soon brought to videos of children where pedophiles were leaving comments.

Anonymous ID: 894629 March 1, 2019, 10:30 a.m. No.5450125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0191 >>0383

McCabe: ‘Overwhelming Likelihood’ Trump Won’t Finish His Term; Disputes IG’s Assertion He Lied to Investigators


Friday on “CBS This Morning,” former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe questioned the conclusions drawn by last year’s inspector general report, which recommended McCabe be investigated criminally for lying to investigators about leaks pertaining to the finances of the Clinton Foundation.


He dismissed that aspect of the IG report and implored Americans to look at his “unblemished record” prior to attacks from President Donald Trump. He also called into question Trump’s future.


“I would love to sort through that report with you,” he said. “I disagree with the conclusions contained therein. What I can tell you, Alex, is I never deliberately misled anyone — not in the accounts they relay in that report or any others. I’m very proud of the 21 years I spent serving in the FBI serving this nation. I did so with an absolutely unblemished record until the point the president decided to start attacking me publicly. So, I have deep disagreements with that report. I ask the America people to judge me on the work I’ve done over the course of my career.”


McCabe was asked if he thought Trump would finish out the remainder of his term, to which McCabe expressed his doubt.


“I think that the overwhelming likelihood is that he won’t,” the former deputy replied.

Anonymous ID: 894629 March 1, 2019, 10:32 a.m. No.5450161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0172

Vanity Fair: Meghan Markle Plans to Raise Child with ‘Fluid Approach to Gender’


Actress Meghan Markle has reportedly told friends she and her husband Prince Harry have plans to raise their child with a “fluid approach to gender” that refrains from “imposing any stereotypes,” according to sources who spoke with Vanity Fair.


Meghan Markle, now formally referred to as the Duchess of Sussex, is expecting her first child in the coming weeks and has even planned a “gender-neutral” nursery for its enjoyment.


“The Sussexes have already planned a gender-neutral nursery and opted for whites and grays over conventional blue and pink color ways, and this seems to be in line with Meghan’s ideas about how to raise children,” the magazine reported.


“Meghan has been talking to some of her friends about the birth and how she and Harry plan to raise their baby. Her exact word was fluid,” one source close to the actress told the magazine. “She said they plan to raise their child with a fluid approach to gender and they won’t be imposing any stereotypes.”


The 37-year-old, who rose to fame from her role as the paralegal Rachel Zane in Suits, is well known for her progressive political views, particularly on topics such as feminism. In the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, the actress described Donald Trump as both “misogynistic” and “divisive,” while she also expressed her disappointment at Britain’s decision to vote to leave the European Union earlier that year.


Political pronouncements by the Royal Family are considered a violation of protocol, with members required to be publicly neutral in order to maintain widespread support for the Monarchy as an institution. Yet last week, it was also reported that Markle expressed shock at figures indicating that British university professors are overwhelmingly white and male, leading her to conclude that the system had become too “male, pale and stale.”

Anonymous ID: 894629 March 1, 2019, 10:33 a.m. No.5450173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0261

Austria to turn refugee reception centres into departure centres


There will no longer be initial reception centres for refugees in Austria, but there will be centers of departure. That’s what Austrian Interior Minister Herbert Kickl of the national-conservative FPÖ said at a press conference.

According to the minister, the centres will be carefully checking the identities of people applying for asylum.

“We will study the trip routes of the newcomers and, of course, predict the potential threat from them, cooperating with the police and, when necessary, with experts from the regional and federal agencies for the protection of the constitution and the fight against terrorism”, he said.

In addition to travel routes, the centres will also quickly find out the reasons for seeking asylum, and in the absence of the grounds to stay in Austria, migrants will be given advice on how to return to the country from which they came.

The minister made it clear that the real goal of the move is to dissuade people from applying for asylum in Austria.

Asylum-seekers will also be expected to “voluntarily” adhere to a night time curfew, meaning they wouldn’t leave the center between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.

“For those who don’t want that, we’ll find a place for them where there is little incentive to hang around”, Kickl added.

Anonymous ID: 894629 March 1, 2019, 10:38 a.m. No.5450251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0369

Israel is playing a big role in India’s escalating conflict with Pakistan


Signing up to the ‘war on terror’ – especially ‘Islamist terror’ – may seem natural for two states built on colonial partition whose security is threatened by Muslim neighbours


By Robert Fisk


February 28, 2019 "Information Clearing House" -When I heard the first news report, I assumed it was an Israeli air raid on Gaza. Or Syria. Airstrikes on a “terrorist camp” were the first words. A “command and control centre” destroyed, many “terrorists” killed. The military was retaliating for a “terrorist attack” on its troops, we were told.


An Islamist “jihadi” base had been eliminated. Then I heard the name Balakot and realised that it was neither in Gaza, nor in Syria – not even in Lebanon – but in Pakistan. Strange thing, that. How could anyone mix up Israel and India?


Well, don’t let the idea fade away. Two thousand five hundred miles separate the Israeli ministry of defence in Tel Aviv from the Indian ministry of defence in New Delhi, but there’s a reason why the usual cliche-stricken agency dispatches sound so similar.


For months, Israel has been assiduously lining itself up alongside India’s nationalist BJP government in an unspoken – and politically dangerous – “anti-Islamist” coalition, an unofficial, unacknowledged alliance, while India itself has now become the largest weapons market for the Israeli arms trade.


Not by chance, therefore, has the Indian press just trumpeted the fact that Israeli-made Rafael Spice-2000 “smart bombs” were used by the Indian air force in its strike against Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) “terrorists” inside Pakistan.

Like many Israeli boasts of hitting similar targets, the Indian adventure into Pakistan might owe more to the imagination than military success. The “300-400 terrorists” supposedly eliminated by the Israeli-manufactured and Israeli-supplied GPS-guided bombs may turn out to be little more than rocks and trees.

Anonymous ID: 894629 March 1, 2019, 10:41 a.m. No.5450303   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Zuesse: Lies America's News-Media Tell


Here are America’s recent targets for regime-change (against which have been used economic sanctions, invasion, and enormous destruction) - and all of them are nations that never invaded nor threatened to invade America:


Iraq 2003,


Libya 2011,


Syria 2011-2018,


Yemen 2015-now,


Ukraine 2014,


and Venezuela 2017-now.

Anonymous ID: 894629 March 1, 2019, 10:47 a.m. No.5450369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0394 >>0445

>>5449962 Israeli govt not interested in long-lasting peace with Palestinians, fmr Israeli navy chief

>>5450003 ‘Time to end the nuclear threat’: Graham hints at war hours after Trump-Kim summit stalls

>>5450014 Maduro to move Venezuelan state oil firm's European HQ to Moscow

>>5450109 Pedophiles are hunting children as young as 5 on Instagram as grooming triples on social media

>>5450251 Israel is playing a big role in India’s escalating conflict with Pakistan


Always protecting Israel and their puppets this Baker