Anonymous ID: b71570 March 1, 2019, 12:47 p.m. No.5452083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2266 >>2567

How Pro-Israel Foundations in Washington are Pushing a US War with Iran


“As an ex-CIA case officer who worked on the Iran target for a number of years, I was shocked when I read the Times’ article, primarily because it sounded like a repeat of the fabricated intelligence that was used against both Iraq and Iran in 2001 through 2003,” says Philip M. Giraldi.


Observers of developments in the Middle East have long taken it as a given that the United States and Israel are seeking for an excuse to attack Iran. The recently terminated conference in Warsaw had that objective, which was clearly expressed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but it failed to rally European and Middle Eastern states to support the cause. On the contrary, there was strong sentiment coming from Europe in particular that normalizing relations with Iran within the context of the 2015 multi-party nuclear agreement is the preferred way to go both to avoid a major war and to prevent nuclear weapons proliferation.


There are foundations in Washington, all closely linked to Israel and its lobby in the U.S., that are wholly dedicated to making the case for war against Iran. They seek pretexts in various dark corners, including claims that Iran is cheating on its nuclear program, that it is developing ballistic missiles that will enable it to deliver its secret nuclear warheads onto targets in Europe and even the United States, that it is an oppressive, dictatorial government that must be subjected to regime change to liberate the Iranian people and give them democracy, and, most stridently, that is provoking and supporting wars and threats against U.S. allies all throughout the Middle East.


Dissecting the claims about Iran, one might reasonably counter that rigorous inspections by the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirm that Tehran has no nuclear weapons program, a view that is supported by the U.S. intelligence community in its recent Worldwide Threat Assessment. Beyond that, Iran’s limited missile program can be regarded as largely defensive given the constant threats from Israel and the U.S. and one might well accept that the removal of the Iranian government is a task best suited for the Iranian people, not delivered through military intervention by a foreign power that has been starving the country through economic warfare. And as for provoking wars in the Middle East, look to the United States and Israel, not Iran.


So the hawks in Washington, by which one means National Security Adviser John Bolton, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and, apparently President Donald Trump himself when the subject is Iran, have been somewhat frustrated by the lack of a clear casus belli to hang their war on. No doubt prodded by Netanyahu, they have apparently revived an old story to give them what they want, even going so far as to develop an argument that would justify an attack on Iran without a declaration of war while also lacking any imminent threat from Tehran to justify a preemptive strike.

Anonymous ID: b71570 March 1, 2019, 12:49 p.m. No.5452104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2156





Thru the niavety of our parents and their parents before them and so on we have been born into the slave / beast system.


Thru the use of word and money magik / trickery the wizards and witches who ADMINISTER the beast system have locked us into eternal bondage and stolen our souls to ensure we are the living dead awaiting our inevitable downward end.


To fight this system you must reject it with all your heart and soul and pursue the 10 commandments of the most high God and seek your savior Jesus.


The most high God gave a you a choice.


The God of this world did not, Satan stole you at birth by fraud, there is no other way out but to awaken to this FACT and pursue the above.


Proverbs 6:16-19


There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.




The guilty are the ADMINISTRATORS and are not subjected to the laws (((they))) use to control slaves.


Time to wake up!