Anonymous ID: 89c25c March 1, 2019, 3:02 p.m. No.5454049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4102

Hey Anons its happening. Ive been scrolling through MSM headlines and internet homepages. Creating quick mental notes on similarities and differences, and cross-refrencing them a year to date on the wayback. I would like to create a graphic for sauce but anouncing this now to bring attention to.


Noticed several things.


A lack of cohesion on 4am talking points, at least this is my perception. Usually caos, panic, and a lack of motivation/discipline breaks uniformity & rank. They're breaking down. They talk about about the same thing, but defer slightly on 'meaning' (opinion) and some deviate their wording of the "headline catchphrase"


The obvious lack of concentration on the Russian Collusion narrative. We know there is no collusion, the sleepy masses don't. They cant run the risk of smearing Muller or his work without breaking their illusion.


There is more cohesion of a 4am narrative amongst various "conservative" media outlets. Is this an attempt to create or establish a future attempt at sowing discord amongst our ranks?


There is an uptick of opinion or attack pieces related to values or "perceived"( leftist projected conservative identities) groups that they have a distaste for. This is either to fill the Gap of 'Muh Russsia' headlines or a quick "im drowning lets grab something" maneuver.


Unless you count anything Cohen related, there is a lot less 'Trump' in any Liberal leaning outlet. There is shit on the NK hostage and his parents but its sparse in content.


A few things I would also like to point out. Not since these events happened, and Ive been paying attention, has there been any word on or discussion over…


Sessions & Mattis


Anons have their diverse opinon on this however, in their eyes when Trump "wrongs" someone they usually have trouble letting go. Even if there are cyclical patterns of saturation and no mention at all. This doesnt fit their M.O.


They are breaking down Anons, Trump won this war of attrition.