If you take djt at face value, he does sound legit naive sometimes.
He was a stupid kid who did a stupid thing. He need not have died over it.
You're about 25, right? Live in Mommy's basement? Shower once a week….maybe? Get upset with Mommy when she forgets your favorite snacks?
I don't think so either, but if you really want to understand how Trump operates look at Roy Cohn. He had a huge impact on djt.
If you've been here awhile then you should know enough to put a spoiler over that shit!
Hey, asshole. My comment was retardinv the dick sucking.
I dont know what ever else you were debating.
You don't like getting called out, do you?
Man up. Nothing wrong with saying, "yea I fucked".
Oh, I'm sure Kim and co thought he was a clown.
Just to clarify, I don't subscribe to the idea that NK is controlled by c _ a.