>Smelling like Warmbeer's Pops has a problem with POTUS
You know what? Otto Warmbier was a fucking moron. There it is.
>Smelling like Warmbeer's Pops has a problem with POTUS
You know what? Otto Warmbier was a fucking moron. There it is.
>Yeah we were fucked
>But now the patriot movement supports the fucking
So what, you want a nation of 350 million people to have an economy based on thousands of mom and pop stores?
Corporations do shitty things, but they also innovate.
>He was a stupid kid who did a stupid thing. He need not have died over it.
No shit. But play stupid games and you'll win stupid prizes.
>You want companies who broke every rule in the book and knowing caused millions of deaths to keep their wealth and monopolies ?
No, but I do want you to crawl back into your mother's vagina and cook a little longer.
>Wow Ann Coulter
>looks like shit
Ann Coulter has always looked and sounded like a pre-op transvestite
>The truth is Qanon isnt real. There is no satanic child molesting spirit cooking cabal linked to Hillary Clinton. Trump isn't righting any wrongs.
>That is the truth.
You're either a shill or have Downs Syndrome. Either way, go suck your dad's dick.
>Whats it like being a Q drone anon
Q pisses me off all the time.
I just think you are also a mongoloid.
>Sign my check? WTF are you people on about? Do you really think the entire world is rotating around this stupid conspiracy theory that is nothing more than pizzagate rebooted?
>Do you really believe that?
I don't know if you're a shill, but I do know you're a waste of atoms.
>Pizzagate and Qanon are an outlet for fear and hate, yes
Go stick your dick in an outlet.
No problem. Sorry I can't also take a steaming shit on your keyboard remotely, but the technology just isn't there yet.