We sure do love the Black Cube of Saturn, which we worship on the Sabbath, Saturn's Day. In our Kabbalah, we also placed Saturn in the place where the Cosmic Mother is supposed to be. That's right! Can you believe it? And the suckers still haven't worked it out. Oh, yeah, it's true we fear to enter the Kingdom of God (higher states of consciousness), and we make sure to keep everyone else from entering too, just like Jesus. Ain't it fun. Jesus warned you about us, but most of you still haven't figured out what it was he was trying to say. We nailed him to the cross (Tav/Saturn) and then infiltrated the groups that followed him, slowly turning these cults into the death cult we have always been. We are the venom of the serpent seed. Not all of us understand what this all means, far from it, but like the freemasons and mafias we control, we keep silence and are loyal to our own. And if you try to talk about any of this, we have ways to shout you down. No wonder Q is saving us for the last. If you ever figure this all out, there will literally be hell to pay.