Anonymous ID: 8e36b3 March 1, 2019, 4:20 p.m. No.5455266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5490

Where Is House Ethics Probe into Adam Schiff?


During his grudge-airing, redemption-seeking spectacle on Wednesday, Michael Cohen admitted he was in cahoots with Democratic lawmakers prior to giving his congressional testimony.


“We spoke with Chairman [Elijah] Cummings and the [Democratic] Party,” Trump’s former lawyer confessed to Representative Jody Hice (R-Ga.). “We spoke with Chairman [Adam] Schiff and his people as well.”


Under further questioning by Rep. James Jordan (R-Ohio), Cohen acknowledged he “spoke to Mr. Schiff about topics that were going to be raised at the upcoming hearing.” Jordan clarified that rather than simply discuss the logistics of the hearing, Schiff coached the witness on “what [he was] going to talk about.”


It wasn’t the only attempt by Schiff to influence Cohen’s testimony: In an interview with George Stephanopoulos on “This Week” last Sunday, the Southern California congressman signaled that he expected Cohen to disclose information about alleged crimes committed by the president, including money-laundering and obstruction of justice.


It all amounted to the latest ethical misstep by the Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee; unfortunately, none of Schiff’s bad behavior has caught the attention either of the media or congressional watchdogs. Unlike his predecessor, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), who was subjected to a fruitless, eight-month House Ethics Committee investigation in 2017, Schiff continues to escape scrutiny for lying to Congress, misleading the public about imaginary crimes related to Russian collusion, and now, witness-tampering.


A Big Talker

Two years ago this month, Schiff announced that he had “more than circumstantial evidence” to prove Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, and perhaps the president himself, had colluded with the Russians to influence the election. “I will say that there is evidence that is not circumstantial, and is very much worthy of investigation,” Schiff told a shocked Chuck Todd on March 22, 2017.


It was the first time a Democratic leader had made such an accusation and it immediately conferred legitimacy to the collusion ruse.


“He is both the ranking member on the intelligence committee, and is also not seen as the type of politician prone to hyperbole,” wrote David Graham at The Atlantic. “He is also a former federal prosecutor. The top Republican and Democrat on the committee investigating Russian collusion have erupted into a round of bitter recriminations. One of them is almost certainly overplaying his hand. Which man that is remains to be seen.”



Anonymous ID: 8e36b3 March 1, 2019, 4:51 p.m. No.5455708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5847

Poster comparing Omar to terrorists causes fight to break out at W. Va statehouse


An anti-Muslim poster comparing Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) to 9/11 terrorists on display at the West Virginia statehouse prompted a heated argument between lawmakers that resulted in a physical injury and one lawmaker's resignation, WSAZ reports.


The poster was allegedly put on display by the state Republican Party for a “Republicans Take the Rotunda” event. It shows a photo of the Twin Towers in flames with the words, "Never forget - you said…." followed by, "I am the proof you have forgotten," alongside a photo of Omar.


Democrats in the statehouse complained about the display and got into an explosive argument with the House's sergeant at arms, Anne Lieberman, for allegedly making an anti-Muslim remark.



According to Democrat Mike Angelucci, Lieberman said, "all Muslims are terrorists." He called the comment "hate speech" and said was "furious" over it.


Lieberman denied making the comment to a local news outlet but later resigned Friday afternoon after the accusation.


Republicans reportedly defended the display as free speech, with state Del. Dianna Graves saying "freedom of speech is something we have to protect.”


A Democratic state lawmaker, Mike Caputo, also allegedly injured a doorkeeper during the heated argument over the poster, resulting in the staffer being taken to the hospital. The House Rules Committee is expected to meet Saturday to decide if Caputo will face repercussions.


Omar latter said that the Republican party's activities were anti-Muslim.