ID: 4049bd March 1, 2019, 5:15 p.m. No.5456011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6124 >>6226

>>5455756 (lb)


>Let us know if you need content ideas.


YES. Very much. I started this just to learn Adobe Premiere. I'm not too big on the creative side. (Brain surgery is a bitch!).

I look through every breads notables, and scroll through for new content that badass anons make, then steal it!

However, it's the message, and the way to present it with the most impact that I struggle with.

Especially since normies seem to like this format, they need to know the awesome work being done here, as far as the digs and the information.

Fuck, sorry bout all the words.

Yes, would love help with content.