Anonymous ID: b5920a March 1, 2019, 6:23 p.m. No.5457084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7451

anons - i took the list of Talmud quotations posted here and sent them to Chabad for comment - my request and Rabbi response posted below - the more you know…


Dear Ask the Rabbi - many comments about talmud online and i am unqualified to reply - they select verses that look evil and i am certain it is lies and misleading - can you assist? here are the ones they repeat over and over: (i attached the whole list from Board posts but only repeat two here)




  1. Sanhedrin 59a: “Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.”


  1. Abodah Zara 26b: “Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed

(you know the rest) Here is the Rabbi response:


I didn't go through the entire list, but I did look up the first two and I found nothing on those pages in the Talmud that say anything remotely like the quotes you sent. I would imagine that the same goes for the rest of them.


My suggestion to you is to not bother getting into conversations with people who will continue to twist and misquote our religion. There is really nothing to be gained.


All the best,


Rabbi (name omitted)



KEK - Rabbi said do not reply to shills!


hey fake and gay shitposter


how about ONE screenshot of ONE talmud verse from the source?




you couldnt find it with the book in your lap

Anonymous ID: b5920a March 1, 2019, 6:27 p.m. No.5457169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7240


>both sides of the argument


muhjoo shills post with lies to trigger replies

and to tarnish the board with hate

there are not 2 sides

all the jews are this or that posts are bullshit

oh btw

catholics are evil

Anonymous ID: b5920a March 1, 2019, 6:31 p.m. No.5457227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7261


oh and a friendly reminder

the muhjoo shills have been called out over and over


and by Q

so now they claim POTUS and Q are "israel first traitors"

and post disresepctful items about POTUS

how low can it be

Anonymous ID: b5920a March 1, 2019, 6:31 p.m. No.5457240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7250 >>7269 >>7288 >>7397


The Talmud is a collection of writings that covers the full gamut of Jewish law and tradition, compiled and edited between the third and sixth centuries. The criticisms of the Talmud posted here are FAKE NEWS - passages taken out of context, misrepresented, or altered JUST LIKE CNN.


As anyone who has learned the Bible can attest, there are certain verses where there is no way of knowing what it refers to by just looking at the verse. Examples include the commandment to circumcise oneself, or to put tefillin on the arm and head, or to take the four species on the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.


There is no way of knowing from the verses alone what exactly are we supposed to cut when we make a circumcision, or how to put on tefillin, or even what it is. The same holds true for almost all other commandments. More details are given in the Written Torah for some commandments than for others, but at the end of the day, there is a glaring lack of detail and information.


This is where the Oral Torah comes in. With it we can understand what the Torah means, and determine the details of the various commandments. Furthermore, we have rules of exegesis so that we can determine the Torah’s view on various issues that are not directly addressed. The Oral Torah comprises traditions and extrapolations based on the inscribed Torah, the Bible.


KEY CONCEPT = EXEGESIS - Exegesis includes a wide range of critical disciplines: textual criticism is the investigation into the history and origins of the text, but exegesis may include the study of the historical and cultural backgrounds of the author, text, and original audience. Other analyses include classification of the type of literary genres presented in the text and analysis of grammatical and syntactical features in the text itself. In other words massive study and learning and discussion of all possible meanings of the Bible verses - evil, right? Not at all. Not one of these fake and gay anti-jew posters have even read one volume of this encyclopedia of Bible commentaries. Jews are the "People of the Book" - they revere the OT and try to understand every possible interpretation.


Conclusion = posts containing information about the Talmud on this board are FAKE NEWS

Anonymous ID: b5920a March 1, 2019, 6:33 p.m. No.5457264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7329 >>7343 >>7355 >>7378


Donald J. Trump - No American President Has Done More to Defend Jews. POTUS received the American Zion Award. See the pic? Got that firmly in mind? See how POTUS loves and supports israel and the Jewish people?


OK then - anons - it seems like its time to put yet another major piece of the NWO cabal narratives on the chopping block - we all see it - dozens of posts andmemes with an anti-jewis anti-semitic content.


These need to be treated exactly like all the other cabal lies - like all the other sliders shill and clowns - ignore. filter etc - you know the drill. They want WE THE PEOPLE to be DIVIDED - Jew baiting is the oldest trick in the book.

Anonymous ID: b5920a March 1, 2019, 6:33 p.m. No.5457274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7370

Jew baiting is the oldest trick in the book.


If you don't undrstand or agree why this is NWO cabal deception please read this article - its a big red pill for you.


In the ancient world, religious differences were the primary basis for anti-Semitism. Judaism is monotheistic. Jews refusal to acknowledge PAGAN gods aroused resentment. Pagans also saw Jews’ refusal to worship emperors as gods as a sign of disloyalty.


The Roman destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem in the year 70 CE and the subsequent exile of Jews was interpreted as a sign of divine punishment. The Gospels diminished Roman responsibility and expressed Jewish culpability in the death of Jesus. Jews were depicted as killers of the Son of God.


Enmity toward the Jews was expressed in the church’s teaching. From St. Augustine in the 4th century to Martin Luther in the 16th, Christian theologians excoriated the Jews as rebels against God and murderers of the Lord. They were described as companions of the Devil and a race of vipers.


This reached its peak with the Nazis. Adolf Hitler had written, “Rational anti-Semitism, however, must lead to systematic legal opposition.…Its final objective must unswervingly be the removal of the Jews altogether."


Hitler and the Nazis were experts t brianwashing the public with propganda and fear. Anti-Semitism was an easy tool. Stalin and the Communists used the same approach - Karl Marx wrote, "Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money." Russian pogram and exile ensued.


During the same period, the Balfour Declaration made it clear that a Jewish state was in the works. The support of Britain solidified the movement to create a Jewish State which had begin as early as 1897and was known as "Zionism". Predictably, the term "Anti-Zionism" (opposition to a Jewish States) was soon added to the mix, as the Middle East was carved up at the close of WW1. Later NWO propaganda labeled Zionism as a conspiracy of Jewish agents secretly controlling various governments or even the entire world.


Anti-Zionism came to a head in 1929 when the Mufti of Jerusalem incited major pogroms in Palestine. Joseph Stalin hailed the anti-Jewish slaughters - just as the earlier Russian revolutionaries had done with the anti-Jewish pogroms under tsarist rule.

Anonymous ID: b5920a March 1, 2019, 6:34 p.m. No.5457281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7313 >>7426

"The political purpose of anti-semitism is to galvanize support for a movement during times of social and political upheaval. Anti-semitism in America today is a variation on the deflection theme because it is not President Trump's administration that supports anti-semitism it is Obama's Leftist/Islamist axis legacy that is trying to depose President Trump. Obama's eight year radical socialist, anti-semitic, anti-American, pro-Muslim term encouraged Leftist/Islamist anti-semitism

The current anti-semitism in America is being fomented to solidify the Leftist/Islamist axis and deflect public attention from the movement's anti-American platform and their intention to destroy American democracy. The concurrent restrictions on freedom of speech in the United States is being instigated by the Deep State's attempt to further destabilize and destroy

Anonymous ID: b5920a March 1, 2019, 6:35 p.m. No.5457313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7337 >>7357 >>7426 >>7475


Two very old and very discredited anti-semitic/zionist conspiricy theories deserve special mention.


The first is the so-called "Blood Libel." This entials the zccusation that Jews kidnapped and murdered the children of Christians in order to use their blood as part of their religious rituals during Jewish holidays. The tale is extraordinary and wholly illogical. If anything, it is a projection onto the Jews of the darkest aspects of Paganism and other primitive religious rituals.


No observant Jew would ever conceive of such acts. It is absolutely contrary to The Ten Commandments. In addition to the fact that it conttitutes murder, the use of blood (human or otherwise) in cooking is strictly prohibited by the kosher dietary law. Even nlood from slaughtered animals may not be consumed, and it must be drained out of the animal and covered with earth.


While animal sacrifice was part of the practice of ancient Judaism, the Old Testament itself, and all Jewish teachings since, portray human sacrifice as one of the evils that separated the pagans of Canaan from the Hebrews. Nevertheless, this story was started and repeated to serve political ends. It has no basis in fact.


The second is known as "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion." Although the exact origin is unknown, its intent was to portray Jews as conspirators against the state. In 24 chapters, or protocols, allegedly minutes from meetings of Jewish leaders, the Protocols describes the secret plans of Jews to rule the world by manipulating the economy, controlling the media, and fostering religious conflict.


It is certainly plausible that the Jewish Rothschild banking family were the inspiration for this global jewish conspiracy. For centuries the Rothschilds built a massive fortune through financial and political intrique. It is beyond doubt that this Jewish family did indeed exert substantial influence on a broad range of historic events, from small to large.


However, even a casual study of the family history reveals that the primary agenda of the Rothschilds was money and power for themselves. Any consideration of Jewish religion, welfare or identity was a distant cousin to this primary consideration.


In any event, in 1903, portions of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were first published in a Russian newspaper. Following the Russian Revolution of 1917, anti-Bolshevik emigres brought the Protocols to the west. Soon after, editions circulated across the globe. An Arabic translation first appeared in the 1920s.


In 1921, the London Times presented conclusive proof that the Protocols were a fraud and a plagiarism. They had been drawn primarily from an 1864 French political satire that had nothing to do with Jews. The satire entitled "Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" was written as a protest against the Emporer Napoleon.

Anonymous ID: b5920a March 1, 2019, 6:38 p.m. No.5457354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7362

The plight of the Palestinian people is truly tragic. But their woes are not traced to Israel or the Jews. No - full culpability lays at the footstep of so-called Palestinian "leadership", which has consitently sacrified its own people for selfish political and financial gains.

This has been the case since the massive propganda campaign that persuaded ordinary Palestiians not to return to their homes after the Six Day War. They were told Jews would burn them alive, rape their women, and torture and kill their children. The intent of this evil lie was to keep political leverage for the terrorist "leaders."

This was proven over and over again - most recently by the efforts to block a water treatment plant in Gaza. Gaza has no clean water. The Gaza population has relied on humaitarian support, and access to Israel. This is no different than the famous "Samaritan Crossing" on the border with Lebanon. For years, IDF border personnel permited pregnant women to enter Israel for their deliveries. However, as terrorists took advantage of any gap in security to commit atrocities in Israel, these crossing were shut down.

Such was the case in Gaza, where acts of terror delayed the completion of the sewage treatment plant. Even an article by the World Bank could not omit the role of terror in stopping this much needed project:

"For years, the Gaza population has endured an environmental disaster due to sewage pollution. Despite the extremely volatile environment, the long-awaited construction of the new North Gaza Wastewater Treatment Plant is now complete and ready for operation. It will provide a long-term, sustainable wastewater management solution for over 400,000 Gazan citizens.

The project faced numerous challenges, including years of blockade, restrictions on the entry of critical materials and equipment, damages from war and conflict to existing infrastructure, and suspension of works due to hostilities." - 3-12-18.


Anonymous ID: b5920a March 1, 2019, 6:38 p.m. No.5457362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7424


2/2he plant is an excellent example of the humanitarian efforts of many nations - opposed only by Hamas, the "leaders" of the very group that will benefit from the project. Hamas officials boycotted the opening ceremony for the new plant - demonstrating their utter disregard for the needs of the people they purport to represent.

The Israeli paper HAARETZ reported:

"The current plant, whose $75 million price tag was covered by Sweden, Belgium, France, the European Commission and the World Bank, is supposed to serve some 400,000 people. The Mideast Quartet (the United States, United Nations, European Union and Russia) and the U.S. State Department liaised with the Israeli authorities so they would allow the necessary building materials and experts to enter Gaza. Without their assistance, the construction would likely have taken many more years."

Hamas is the Palestinian Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist organization that currently operates mostly in Gaza. Many consider Hama a terrorist organization with a political party under their control.

Fatah is a related group representing Palesinians, now centered in the West Bank. Fatah and Hamas had been allied until a falling out in 2006. Each now controls half of the Palestinian territory. Hamas promotes the destruction of the State of Israel and genocide of the Jews. Fatah - with the Palestinian Authority as its political arm, began as a purely terrorist organization but since has moderated its position and does not promote genocide.

The Palestinian Authority (Fatah) Prime Minister made the trip to Gaza to mark the opening of this new water treatment facility. On his way on March 13, he was the target on a failed assassination attempt in northern Gaza. Someone is still sending a message, and the meaning is clear - death to moderates - no peace with Israel - ever.

This has been the stalemate for decades. Now, however, it appears that Palestinian terrorists have been completely outmanuvered. This was accomplished under the watchful eye and carefully laid out plans of the new American Commander in Chief - Donald J.Trump.

The recent firing of Rex tillerson was one step in the President's meticulous plans. An excellent March 13 analysis by "Prophecy in The News" summarized the context and purpose of the Tillerson dismissal:

"The establishment’s view that the Fatah-controlled PA is the be-all-and-end-all of Middle East peace efforts. The view that there can be no Arab-Israeli peace without the Palestine Liberation Organization compelled successive U.S. administrations to continue to embrace it despite its support for terrorism, and despite its refusal to accept or even respond to any offer of peace by either Israel or the U.S.

Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move the embassy to Jerusalem was the first time any American leader since Bill Clinton had dared to reject the Palestinian veto on US Middle East policy. Tillerson supported maintaining the PA’s veto. As a result, he all but openly opposed Trump’s decision."

For all the granular details here is the article :

Once again Trump has thrown out all the "rules" and forged ahead on his agenda. Once again from HAAREZT on March 14:

"What is clear is that even though the two senior PA officials escaped the blast without injury, the efforts led by Egypt to effect a reconciliation between the two Palestinian factions have suffered a mortal blow."

All of this can be reconciled by recognizing the brilliant manuever President Trump pulled off. He has in effect irrevocably exposed the dead end bad faith obstacle inherent in the Palenstinian role in a peace solution. Trump has set the stage for a multi-national coalition of all parties other than the extreme Palestinian factions.

This is precisely the same strategy the President used with North Korea - once the multi-national coalition was in place there was nowhere to go and NK was hopelessly outnumbered. The exact same scenario is now playing out in Palestine. In both cases ordinary people living in these embattled places were desperate for peace.

The globalist agenda kept these and many other groups powerless over their own fates - captive for these many years. The NWO forces have held such factions as strategic pawns in their agenda of domination always dangling the threat of WW3 over the world should they not get their way.

Palestine includes the crown jewel of international conflict - the Holy City of Jerusalem - the virtual center of three major world religions. As such it has been the key in the globalist plans. They created it out of the ashes of WW1, and have, until now, manipulated it with skill and determination.

President Trump has cut through the fog of war and lies, straight to a real solution. One that has eluded many before him - it will indeed be historic.

Anonymous ID: b5920a March 1, 2019, 6:43 p.m. No.5457475   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>5457288What Does the Bible Say About..Misquotes From Talmud?

What about the Jewish Talmud and these quotes? [Note: Click on the reference to get to my answer about a specific passage.] Sanhedrin 59a: "Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal." Abodah Zara 26b: "Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed." Sanhedrin 59a: "A Goy (Gentile) who pries into the law (Talmud) is guilty of death." Libbre David 37: "To communicate anything with a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly." Yebhamoth 11b: "Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is of three years of age." Sanhedrin 105ab: "Jesus fornicated with his jackass." Gittin 57a: "Jesus is in hell and is being punished by being boiled in semen. Christians are boiled in dung." Schabouth Hag. 6b: "Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording." Zohar 1,160a: "Jews must always try to deceive Christians." Hilkkoth Akum Z1: "Do not save Goyim in danger of death." Choschen Ham 388, 15: "If it be proven that someone has given the money of israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of this earth." Choschen Ham 266, 1: "A Jew may keep anything he finds which belongs to the Akum (Gentile). For he who returns lost property (to Gentiles) sins against the law by increasing the power of the transgressors of the law. It is praiseworthy, however, to return lost property if it is done to honor the name of God, namely if by so doing Christians will praise the Jews and look upon them as honorable people."



These misquotes and fabrications come straight from the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan web site. Some cannot be explained simply because the quotes do not exist in the Talmud. Some references are to a book that does not exist in Talmud or any Jewish literature. Others are taken seriously out of context, or add words or thoughts that are not in the original.

