2/2he plant is an excellent example of the humanitarian efforts of many nations - opposed only by Hamas, the "leaders" of the very group that will benefit from the project. Hamas officials boycotted the opening ceremony for the new plant - demonstrating their utter disregard for the needs of the people they purport to represent.
The Israeli paper HAARETZ reported:
"The current plant, whose $75 million price tag was covered by Sweden, Belgium, France, the European Commission and the World Bank, is supposed to serve some 400,000 people. The Mideast Quartet (the United States, United Nations, European Union and Russia) and the U.S. State Department liaised with the Israeli authorities so they would allow the necessary building materials and experts to enter Gaza. Without their assistance, the construction would likely have taken many more years."
Hamas is the Palestinian Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist organization that currently operates mostly in Gaza. Many consider Hama a terrorist organization with a political party under their control.
Fatah is a related group representing Palesinians, now centered in the West Bank. Fatah and Hamas had been allied until a falling out in 2006. Each now controls half of the Palestinian territory. Hamas promotes the destruction of the State of Israel and genocide of the Jews. Fatah - with the Palestinian Authority as its political arm, began as a purely terrorist organization but since has moderated its position and does not promote genocide.
The Palestinian Authority (Fatah) Prime Minister made the trip to Gaza to mark the opening of this new water treatment facility. On his way on March 13, he was the target on a failed assassination attempt in northern Gaza. Someone is still sending a message, and the meaning is clear - death to moderates - no peace with Israel - ever.
This has been the stalemate for decades. Now, however, it appears that Palestinian terrorists have been completely outmanuvered. This was accomplished under the watchful eye and carefully laid out plans of the new American Commander in Chief - Donald J.Trump.
The recent firing of Rex tillerson was one step in the President's meticulous plans. An excellent March 13 analysis by "Prophecy in The News" summarized the context and purpose of the Tillerson dismissal:
"The establishment’s view that the Fatah-controlled PA is the be-all-and-end-all of Middle East peace efforts. The view that there can be no Arab-Israeli peace without the Palestine Liberation Organization compelled successive U.S. administrations to continue to embrace it despite its support for terrorism, and despite its refusal to accept or even respond to any offer of peace by either Israel or the U.S.
Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move the embassy to Jerusalem was the first time any American leader since Bill Clinton had dared to reject the Palestinian veto on US Middle East policy. Tillerson supported maintaining the PA’s veto. As a result, he all but openly opposed Trump’s decision."
For all the granular details here is the article :
Once again Trump has thrown out all the "rules" and forged ahead on his agenda. Once again from HAAREZT on March 14:
"What is clear is that even though the two senior PA officials escaped the blast without injury, the efforts led by Egypt to effect a reconciliation between the two Palestinian factions have suffered a mortal blow."
All of this can be reconciled by recognizing the brilliant manuever President Trump pulled off. He has in effect irrevocably exposed the dead end bad faith obstacle inherent in the Palenstinian role in a peace solution. Trump has set the stage for a multi-national coalition of all parties other than the extreme Palestinian factions.
This is precisely the same strategy the President used with North Korea - once the multi-national coalition was in place there was nowhere to go and NK was hopelessly outnumbered. The exact same scenario is now playing out in Palestine. In both cases ordinary people living in these embattled places were desperate for peace.
The globalist agenda kept these and many other groups powerless over their own fates - captive for these many years. The NWO forces have held such factions as strategic pawns in their agenda of domination always dangling the threat of WW3 over the world should they not get their way.
Palestine includes the crown jewel of international conflict - the Holy City of Jerusalem - the virtual center of three major world religions. As such it has been the key in the globalist plans. They created it out of the ashes of WW1, and have, until now, manipulated it with skill and determination.
President Trump has cut through the fog of war and lies, straight to a real solution. One that has eluded many before him - it will indeed be historic.