Anonymous ID: 7a4b18 March 1, 2019, 7:10 p.m. No.5457832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7848 >>7853





Thru the niavety of our parents and their parents before them and so on we have been born into the slave / beast system.


Thru the use of word and money magik / trickery the wizards and witches who ADMINISTER the beast system have locked us into eternal bondage and stolen our souls to ensure we are the living dead awaiting our inevitable downward end.


To fight this system you must reject it with all your heart and soul and pursue the 10 commandments of the most high God and seek your savior Jesus.


The most high God gave a you a choice.


The God of this world did not, Satan stole you at birth by fraud, there is no other way out but to awaken to this FACT and pursue the above.


Proverbs 6:16-19


There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.




The guilty are the ADMINISTRATORS and are not subjected to the laws (((they))) use to control slaves.


Time to wake up!

Anonymous ID: 7a4b18 March 1, 2019, 7:13 p.m. No.5457867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7983 >>8174

Moscow, Damascus Kick Off Rukban Refugees Evacuation to Prevent 'Catastrophe'


Russia and Syria have sent bus convoys to the Rukban refugee camp to evacuate people seeking to leave the US-controlled territory, with no response received from the United States to guarantee the safety of the operation, head of the Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation Lt. Gen. Sergei Solomatin said on Friday.


"In accordance with the 1 March decision made at the meeting of the Russian-Syrian Joint Coordination Committee for the return of refugees, in order to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe in the Rukban refugee camp, bus convoys were formed and sent to the Jleb checkpoint for the voluntary and unhindered return of Rukban camp residents from at-Tanf to the places of their permanent residence", Solomatin said.


Solomatin added that "no response has been received from the American side to allow the passage of the humanitarian convoy and guarantee the safety of its movement" in the 34-mile zone around the US base in at-Tanf.


The Syrian government, meanwhile, guarantees the security of returning temporarily displaced persons and a simplified procedure for retrieving their documents, according to Solomatin.


Solomatin also added that as of 28 February, a total of 224,740 Syrian refugees returned to their home country.


The US Department of State called Friday on Russia to coordinate efforts on evacuating refugees, State Department seputy spokesperson Robert Palladino said in a statement, adding that "Unilateral Russian initiatives, not coordinated with the UN and regional parties, do not meet these standards".

Anonymous ID: 7a4b18 March 1, 2019, 7:31 p.m. No.5458109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8168 >>8174 >>8202

RED JOURNALISM: Washington Post Defends Marx – “Five Myths About Socialism”


President Trump used his State of the Union speech to position America squarely against the rising tide of socialism.


The Washington Post has chosen to take the other side.


Perspective: Five myths about socialism


The author of the article contradicts herself numerous times, and remains completely silent on the hundreds of millions of corpses piled atop the alter of Marx, so we will be brief in deconstructing her apology for the left.



Socialism is a single coherent ideology.


…socialism has multiple meanings and interpretations, which have to be disentangled before a discussion about its merits can begin. One distinction centers on whether socialism is a system that must supplant capitalism or one that can harness the market’s immense productive capacity for progressive ends. Karl Marx, who predicted that historical forces would inevitably lead to capitalism’s demise and to government control of industry, was the most famous proponent of the first type of socialism. An impatient Vladi­mir Lenin argued instead that rather than waiting for history to run its course, a revolutionary vanguard should destroy capitalism.


Other socialists, however, did not accept the violent, undemocratic nature of that course, although they agreed that capitalism was unjust and unstable. The left’s role, in the view of these “democratic socialists” — the Czech-Austrian theorist Karl Kautsky, for instance — was to remind citizens of capitalism’s defects and rally popular support for an alternative economic system that would end private ownership and assert popular control over the means of production.


If the Government is “harnessing” the market, it’s not free. It’s harnessed. #Derp

If only the left granted Conservatives as much nuance and latitude as they do themselves. Everyone in a red hat is a nazi. Christians are homophobes. But marxists who want to destroy capitalism through force and marxists who want to eat away at capitalism incrementally over time are totally different, and it’s not fair to put them in the same camp.



Socialism and democracy are incompatible.


After the Russian Revolution, a commitment to democracy became a key distinction dividing socialists from communists. The Bolsheviks split off from the Socialist International in 1919 because socialists would not to commit to overthrowing capitalism by “all available means, including armed force.” And after World War II, socialist and social democratic parties became mainstays of democratic systems in Europe.


Doesn’t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy? Socialists are TOTALLY different from communists because communists want to destroy capitalism through violence, and socialists want to destroy capitalism incrementally, like a frog in boiling water.


Hold your hats, folks. Myth 3 is where it really gets interesting! It turns out, socialism and free markets go together like peas and carrots!



All socialists want to abolish markets and private property.


Communists, when in power, have done away with markets and private property. Democratic socialists say that in principle they hope capitalism will disappear over the long run, but in the meantime they advocate piecemeal changes in the ownership and control of economic resources — bank nationalization, for instance. (Democratic socialists have never fully held power anywhere, so their programs remain largely theoretical.) And social democrats have focused on redistributing the fruits of markets and private enterprise rather than abolishing them. Most of the policies advocated by politicians like Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) — including universal health care, free college education, and higher wealth and income taxes — are clearly achievable within a capitalist system.


Democratic Socialists have absolutely had 100% control of several countries, the most high profile of which is the sh*thole formally known as Venezuela. Their Chavizmo revolution was midwifed by America’s most prominent Democrats and celebrities.

In order to “redistribute the fruits of markets and private enterprise rather than abolishing them” you first have to seize those fruits. That’s the opposite of private property. Either the author is profoundly ignorant or profoundly dishonest. She can choose.