What percentage of American Jews voted for Donald Trump?
No nigger that's but one of hundreds of translations of the Talmud. You're lying and you know it. There simply is no translation of the Talmud that doesn't look bad for Jews. Now why don't you go sacrifice something to Moloch.
Was this the dumbest deflection you could come up with? Fact is Jews are working against our interests and their voting habits prove it.
Islam is an abomination and just as satanic as Judaism. Fail.
Jews don't vote for the interests of regular Americans. They are the backbone of the Democrat party. They run it, they vote for it and they fund it. Jews are the ultimate Globalists.
In other words you have no argument, you are defeated and reduced to making a complete fool of yourself. You're one sad kike.
Jews by their nature are degenerates. Its why they run Hollywood and the porn industry.
Why are Jews so heavily involved with the production and distribution of hardcore porn?
Do you not have an answer? Its an honest question.
These kike apologist won't/can't answer the simplest of questions. They know they're on the wrong side of this issue. Jews by and large are horrible fucking people.
And you can thank Jews for this shit. They control the corrupt media and the Democrat party.
Nah, the apologists are here.
All Jewish controlled.
I think you meant shekel you merchant.
I'm not bitching, Herschel, I'm asking honest pertinent questions which apparently your lame ass has no answers for.
George Soros is a Jew.
Why are Jews so heavily involved in the hardcore porn industry?
So it being destructive and degenerate is okay?
You really suck at this. You should really stop.
Same broke dick boomer fail. Sad.