If muhjoo shills were a real thing, why hasnt Q addressed it?
Why does he allow the welcome page to thus board to include the attached information?
Try harder mossad.
If muhjoo shills were a real thing, why hasnt Q addressed it?
Why does he allow the welcome page to thus board to include the attached information?
Try harder mossad.
uhhhh… what about these Q drops faggot? Is Q a muhjoo shill too?
who does Jizzrael equal?
and speaking of strawman, post that copy pasta about some book that’s never been mentioned b4… thats a strawman.
So you can’t offer a rebuttal? Got it.
If anons werent over the target with the JQ - Q would’ve addressed it by now. Cry moar mossad.
Yeah cus Q can’t mention a oeace deal. cool story.
It’s not mentioned a single time because the media will use any criticism of jews as a way to paint Q amd Trump as nazis. Thats why both have done the nec optics to keep that from happening.
And you never answered me… why does a country that has the population of Chicago, lead the globe in human trafficking and organ harvesting?
I love that meme. Thx for reposting that anon’s work - its funny af.
So… you can’t answer me? Got it. Keep crying mossad.
go on…
Yeah Q totally warned us about the iranian hamas muzzie shills subverting the board here….. oh wait, Q specifically said the shills here were (((mossad)))…
try harder kike.
Yeah Q told us those al qaeda shills were working hard to subvert this board…. oh wait, he specifically told us it was (((mossad))) shills.
what topic would most trigger a mossad shill?? Perhaps the JQ??
u faggots are toast. Keep digging ur grave.
kek… i’m starting to think the mossad shills enjoy getting btfo. Which is good, cus we enjoy delivering the beat downs.
Remember when you used to spend 30
posts per bread on toots and calling BO a mason? Then the anons stayed over the JQ target and magically, that shit all but disappeared?
ummmm… U ever read a Q drop? Q said mossad was deploying all tactics to subvert the board - not the muzzies.
U know mossad is most triggered by the JQ… which means ur a mossad homo trying to blame JQ posts on the muzzies… it may have worked for 911 but it wont work now. Try harder mossad.
wtf?? no wonder why mossad doesn’t want us discussing the JQ. (((Their))) shit is fucked up.