I must admit I feel we should but I know it won't help our cause. The path to victory is through logic, reason and the rule of law.
The fear of being doxed should not stop us from signing the petitions on petitions.whitehouse.gov/
Grow some balls fellas. Were the founding fathers in fear of being doxed when the signed the Declaration of Independence? Of course they were. But they had the courage to sign because they possessed the fortitude to follow through due to their conviction in their beliefs.
Sign the petitions!!!!
The libtards are monitoring our activity on twatter. The website is called "hamilton68"
They claim we are Russian bots or sympathizers and amplifiers of the Russian message. It shows trending hashtags, subjects and URL's of "Russian" twatter accounts. It's actually interesting. #InternetBillofRights has been on it for a few days now. Check it out.