Military maneuvers.., They learned.., coming soon, terrorist cell.
>was created and had planned to cause chaos in five major cities across
DING DING DING!!!!, Exactly!!
that boomer is Kim Dotcom? lol
An Anon posted here about where training ANTIFA…, could be a good source.., although I say that for effrontery after to know Who is the Financier/Coach of ANTIFA
http:// drwilliammount.blogspot.com/2017/08/we-fight-not-agaist-flesh-and-blood.html
Venezuela is the center for the activities for the Elite. (Fraud Machines, Human Traffic, Terrorist Groups [Hezbollah and Antifa]..,, Connections with Soros and the Sao Paulo Forum..,
I hope that Geotus do something in SouthAmerica soon.. :(
Don't lose the Focus in ANTIFA
Also is the bridge for the financing of Hezbollah through of the Oil/Drugs., (I won't say the company) for the money laundering for Cocaine (Colombia Guerillas)…,
That and the The same party of Stalin 2.0 is dissolving.., some resigns.., also in the VArmy, etc., inciters of crime is joining to the Colombian Guerillas., the shit in Vzla is going down, literally..
BHO and Shannon.