If you think this way, you don't understand the risks.
I work for Big Water and we hate the stuff. We have to wear FULL hazmat chemical suits & breathing apparatus to apply the dose during the treatment process. There are huge implications if there is a spill or an accident involving this shit.
Its expensive, its hazardous, and it's an industrial waste bi-product left over from aluminium smelting. It's so dangerous in fact that the EPA will not give the resource companies a permit to dispose of it at sea because it would kill everything.
The science that supports fluoridating drinking water was carried out in the 1950's… the same era that told us that smoking is good for your lungs. There are NO modern long term studies that indicate its any good for your teeth.
It's mass medication of the public and it's a reckless experiment. The negative consequences on human far outweigh any perceived benefit. Would you support adding iron, vitamin c, perhaps anti depressants to the water supply?
Fluoride is only effective when applied topically, as soon as it enters your gut it is completely unavailable to help your teeth's enamel. you should get enough Fluoride from a healthy diet to support good dental health.
why does the mother's placenta completely eliminate fluoride from the baby's blood supply?