BK on BC from Starr OIC
He has committed perjury (at
least) in the Jones case. He has turned the Secret Service upside down. He has required the
urgent attention of the courts and the Supreme Court for frivolous privilege claims —— all to cover
up his oral sex from an intern. He has lied to his aides. He has lied to the American people. He
has tried to disgrace you and this Office with a sustained propaganda campaign that would make
Nixon blush.
He should be forced to account for all of that and to defend his actions. It may not be
ourjob to impose sanctions on him, but it is o_urjob to make his pattern of revolting behavior
clear –piece by painful piece -— on Monday. I am mindful of the need for respect for the Oflice
of the President. But in my view, given what we know, the interests of the Ofiice of the President
would be best served by our gathering the full facts regarding the actions of this President so that
the Congress can decide whether the interests ofthe Presidency would be best served by having a
new President. More to the point: Aren't we failing to fulfill our duty to the American people if
we willingly "conspire" with the President in an effort to conceal the true nature of his acts?