What’s with this far right bullshit? I’m just pro human.
No coke. And yes obviously AJ is a heavy drinker
Same way I see it. I’m tired of being branded far right by those fake news cunts though. Maybe some of you identify with that, I find all that to be just an illusion
Pro human. Anti inter-dimensional evil elves
Sucks to be you
Not very “Great Awakening” of you.
I don’t get why these brainless zombies still do that Nazi salute. They worship that dead homo inter-breeding meth head still? Fucking weirdos. They’re as much the enemy as any cabal/DS ever will be. In fact, they’re the same thing. Basically the cabalist antifa
Who cares how much truth comes out. If you’re not pro human you’re pro lizard.
Then the Italians get a pass. Dumb fuck whitey anywhere else doesn’t. Ignorant, brainless and highly manipulated to do their maters bidding. All the while thinking they’re the superior ones! Kek!
I’m 100% whitey. All organized religion is just control of the masses by a few. Anyone who thinks they have superiority over another race or individual is exactly who I’m fighting against. I consider all that the cabal way. Too many suckers play into that here, they’re solely responsible for railroading Q and only exacerbating the msm slant
Sucks be him then too. No wonder he looks one step away from a total breakdown
Hitler/Nazi. The ultimate way to make anyone a “baddie” in the eyes of the public. Trouble is, so many uneducated white idiots think they somehow can claim some kind of glory by identifying with it. Reality being, as Hitler would’ve had them all shot in the head to stop the dumb gene
He’s such a gay icon these days. Basically the closet homosexual thuggish white guy’s masterbatory fantasy. They love the uniforms.
Almost certainly involved
I agree with you. We have no idea what really happened. Only… “History books”
I wonder if we will ever truly know why so many millions of people died in all these wars
Everyone who clogs this board up constantly with anti Jewish bullshit, is clearly working for some kind of agency who wants that to tarnish Q and the entire movement. Well done fucktards.