"Quick, kill the pron, mom's home!"
Yellow plastic, yum.
All ruled by the Vatican.
>Follow the money.
Translation; Commerce Law. AKA Admiralty Law.
>The Military is the only way.
The bait and switch of Common Law for Admiralty Law got us into this mess.
The UCMJ will get us out.
Hmm, sounds an awful lot like tripfag I know that the MSM doesn't like to talk about.
Left. Right. Human. It matters not to our corporate slave masters.
Thank God /our MIL/ seems to have told the bankers to go fuck themselves.
The indoctrination runs deep with this one.
Never. A. Straight. Answer.
Twenty minutes ago the shill started studying for today's pop-quiz.
>You're not helping your own cause either.
Actually, he is.
Shills are paid by the (ewes), remember?
Admit it, your answer is 70 miles, amiright?
By bankrupting the corporation this is the UNITED STATES in 1933 and Replacing Common Law with Admiralty/Commerce Law from another corporation known as the FEDERAL RESERVE.
It's obviously a wealthy HWAyylmao that had an expensive plastic surgeon.
The same can be said about the homos that whine about it.