>yfw the brownpill spam posts actually worked
Don't get excited there, De Blasio. I was using the scene from the reply to the tweet.
You must be a jew. You know what? I am too, and I hate how people like you make us look like assholes. Stop picking on the whites and they'll stop gravitating towards trying to kill us.
And then this fucking guy. Why don't you and 35e5d7 get it over with and fuck each other already.
Ok, but this game of Hitlerball doesn't help anyone. I've been seeing the media throwing it around for the past few weeks too much already.
Look moron, I'm an American, don't practice judaism, don't want any part of it. You're not helping your own cause either.
Honestly, the most interesting version I saw was the idealized Hitler that /pol/ used to invoke, that lead them to see the value of Trump early on. Too bad it degenerated into what you see from the shills nowadays. Oddly, Q Research is it's true successor. I can tell all the posters with any value came here.
We'll find out eventually, I'm sure.