Photographic Evidence of Time Travel
~An Introduction to the Work of Jane Tripp
The article seen below was first published on August 14, 2014 to introduce the incredible paranormal and >>interdimensional << photographic discoveries of Jane Tripp using PhotoShop image eidting software.
It was updated on October 2, 2015 to include a tutorial on how to conduct this photo-eidting research yourself and to introduce Jane's history-changing eBook of Trans-Time photographs called The Pirates of Time. The contents of that unique eBook is explained in greater detail below.]
An Introduction to the Work of Jane Tripp
Jane Tripp is an artist, writer and researcher. She is also a psychic photographic medium. She can take a photo with a digital camera, and interdimensional beings will show up in that photo as clearly and distinctly as the image of an ordinary person. As a photographer of interdimensional phenomena, Jane's curosity to know more about what is hidden within very old photographs - that were later to reveal strange anomalies - had taken her on a journey that eventually led to the application of PhotoShop image editing techniques that draw out and enhance images of people, animals, interdimensional beings, scenes of daily life in ancient Pompeii, and objects of advanced technology that are hidden within many photographs and video recordings. You might be surprised to know that anyone can learn how to apply these photo editing techniques and extract hidden images from within photographs and video recordings by studying Jane's two FREE tutorials on how it's done:
Jane became interested in this phenomena due to the unusual discoveries she stumbled upon while using image editing tools found in PhotoShop to look at photographs and stills taken from video recordings. Experimenting with this software has allowed her to discover that there are multiple levels of hidden images within photographs, that go beyond anything that anyone could have imagined. Having been concerned over the years, with the many nefarious and covert operations that are being conducted clandestinely around the world, Jane discovered that she could actually see the results of some of these covert operations within photographs by employing image editing software……. /cn/janetrippintro20aug14.shtml#top
*much better explained in article how she discovered inter dimensional beings in the vibrations of photography