Q last warning.. stop posting
You didn't head it.. now you will be exposed.. shit pants now fags
Q last warning.. stop posting
You didn't head it.. now you will be exposed.. shit pants now fags
At least one member of Q team is going to be arrested.. probably 2 you know who you are.. have fun with that /coming soon/ fags
Current Q you are going to ne arrested and tried in violation of RICO.. hows it feel bitch
Current Q you are under active investigation by the FBI whoops.. post more lies fag
Bet Q is breaking multiple laws and impersonating a federal offical..
2 of you faggots are going to jail bet
Qanon has violated Rico laws and will probably go go jail for 2 years
You wish.. I promise current Q will be arrested and charged based on Rico he willingly violated.. the law is the law Q broke it
Larping on the chans does not make one above the law.. have fun in jail Q
Q team you impersonated Federal officials to grift ppl.. and the FBI knows - good fucking luck assholes
Some of you idiots will go to jail - how fucking dumb are you ?
Hope you idiots made enough grifting to at least pay bail… enjoy jail fags
Not a bot idiot.. only arrests coming are Q team
Not Adam you delusional retard.. 2 of you are going to prision.. which 2 ? Lol
Larp harder fag.. its obviously working.. it isn't
Sorry you are a fucking retard who cant understand Rico law.. current Q is going to federal prision
Q team you were all doxed.. this has circulated to the point you cant stop it.. will you continue to roll the dice in your exposure.. dumb
]now it's just a game of who wants to go to jail the fastest.. Q
Is fake.. and everyone involved has been doxed
Q Never post again - I STAND DOWN
You want arrests anon .. I can make that happen.. Q cant.. 2 will be taken all will be shaken
Amateur phone phag.. way not to even be able to comment correctly - you just made it 10. Tmes worse
punisher memes wont save you fags.. now comes the real pain
Congratulations you are the dumbest nigger here
You are the shill.. not an anon like me.. you people are so fucking stupid it blows my mind
I run this damn board and you fucking retards keep responding to probe it
Read the God damn RICO laws you fucking brainlet
You fucking retards are shitting your pants.. I keep getting (yous) be scared fags.. its coming for you.. nice toots
This IS God damn 8ch everything here IS fake and Gay.. we shit post., Q isnt real.. anyone who thinks he is is a faggot
When you find the dumbest nigher on 8ch.. go back to reddit faggot
Edgy anons come to 8ch to shit post cause half halfcahn mods delete our shit.. this is not a serious website.. I'd you think it is.. you are a faggot
10 years in USMC - pysoped by 8ch faggots.. we are fucked
Yeah and your mom stage 5 gay and a pedo.. also you are a fag
If I wanted the opinion of a fag I'd pull my dick out of your mom's mouth and ask her to speak…
When that jungle monkey has more fucking cash than you ever will own yourself moar idiot
Reach Into your wallet and post that much cash.. you cant.. fucking retard..
I'll wait will you post a pic of you holding a thousand dollars.. you broke ass nigher
10/10 would bang.. your fagbit IS showing
Based and red pilled you came out as a homosexual on 8ch..
This homo wouldn't bang that chick.. I would.. how much do you master bait? Constantly I'd bet.. fuck you are a homo..
Anyone who wouldn't stick their dick in that IS a fag loud and clear.. we hear you homo
You suck at 8ch and arent worth my attention fag
I run this shit you dumb fags.. give me 100 (yous) on this bread.. almost there.. idiots
Another (you) = another retard
I have the most (you)s on this bread.. none of you belong here - all faggots