Good morning, Anons. Thanks for the link. Something to dig on.
Funny story: my nephew has a baby that is of the age of crawling/climbing/pulling oneself up on things. He and his wife just moved into a little home so they're still unpacking and settling in. Not yet having baby gates, he wanted to keep the baby confined to the living room so he built a wall of unpacked boxes to keep her confined to that one area. He is calling it "baby's wall." Funny part is his wife is an American of Mexican/Indian descent. She thinks it's funny, too.
Are the previous parts (1-29) and susbssquent (31 +) posted as well?
Thank you.
There are no coincidences.
Agree. Been here since 10/28/17 and the shillery is at unprecedented levels with new and more subversive tactics.
On it, patriot. And that's the spirit.
Don't forget the Mormons.