Not everything is Deep State, Shadow Gov, or Cabal. But we do know they try and subvert/control everything they can get their grubby lil paws on. I do believe wikileaks is comped ATM. Currently, whether or not Assange was/is a puppet or actor remains to be seen. I think in the begining at least Assange was legit.
Reason being, any Cabal grown MOS/Clown actor would of suicided themselves by now.
Either through programming triggers, or through some sense of twisted honour. Maybe even just because of despair via thought of outcome. If the cabal and your handlers betrayed you, the white hats want justice out of you is there hope for life? Especially if your life's purpose is just to serve a master/retainer, and hedonism is your hobby?
Any Intel operative would of attempted escape feasible or not. The Apparent situatuon doesn't fit the MO. But who the fuck knows honestly. Only God, Q Team, those cleared for the Intel, and Certain Cabal elements. I could be wrong though. Being Anon is being human.