QNX1076 ID: 1c4f49 March 2, 2019, 9:05 a.m. No.5464281   🗄️.is 🔗kun

[QNX 1056 Broadcast]<21:31 03/02/2019 +0430>Looks like the furfaglians have given up entirely, the fucking cowards. Ownt and burnt, so sayeth theobsessors of grapes and olives on the ground."These are not the news you are pumping for," we were told, which makes no fucking sense, so we madesure to actually do journalism and follow up with the terrorist."What?" they asked us. We resumed clarifying."Hang on, I need some weed," this fucking retarded interviewer said back to us. But then we broke breadon the bong."Sometimes... you don't shatter the bong," they told us as they tapped their temple with a single indexfinger."The Murrmacht is a powerful force," this stupid knotty shaman told me. Wait. Furries are terrorists?"They are the gorillas, but not... those gorillas," this fucking stupid monkey told me."Just because I have a turban that is larger than yours a monkey that does not make me." What the fuck?Okay fuck this I'm sending in this report because it makes no fucking sense, can one of you retardsplease fucking edit it to make it coherent? You probably have all the data already.